Young Scientists Conference: Kassel and Tomsk workshop "Understanding of Entrepreneurship as essential part of University study and research - Current situation and perspectives"

Tomsk Polytechnic University

19-20 April 2015

Programme and Organizing Committee

Valery P. Krivobokov

Dr., Prof., Head, Department of Hydrogen Energy and Plasma Engineering, Institute of Physics and Technology , TPU , Tomsk, Russia, Head of Committee

Gabrielе Gorzka

Ph.D., Director, East-West-Science Centre, University of Kassel, Germany, Co-head of Committee

Alexander N. Dyachenko

Dr., Prof., Vice-Rector for Research and Innovations, Tomsk, Russia, Deputy Head of Committee

Nicole Burghardt

University of Kassel, Germany, member of Committee

Oleg Yu. Dolmatov

Ph.D., Director, Institute of Physics and Technology , TPU, Tomsk, Russia

Tamara G. Petrashova

Ph.D., Ass. Prof., Department of Hydrogen Energy and Plasma Engineering, Institute of Physics and Technology , TPU, Tomsk, Russia

Alexander R. Wagner

Ph.D., Head, Science Office, Department ofInstitute of Physics and Technology , TPU, Tomsk, Russia

Dmitry G. Demyanyuk

Ph.D., Deputy Head, Institute of Physics and Technology , TPU, Tomsk, Russia

Galina A. Bleicher

Dr., Ass. Prof., Department of Hydrogen Energy and Plasma Engineering, Institute of Physics and Technology , TPU, Tomsk, Russia

Sergey N. Yanin

Dr., Prof., Department of Hydrogen Energy and Plasma Engineering, Institute of Physics and Technology , TPU, Tomsk, Russia

Evgeniya V. Francina

PhD., Head, Scientific Career Centre, TPU, Tomsk, Russia

Liliya G. Kiryanova

PhD., Head, Communication Policy Division, TPU, Tomsk, Russia

Dmitry V. Sidelyov

Lecturer, Engineer, Department of Hydrogen Energy and Plasma Engineering, Institute of Physics and Technology, TPU , Tomsk, Russia

Alexander S. Parnyugin

PhD., Ass. Prof., Department of Foreign Languages, Institute of Physics and Technology, TPU , Tomsk, Russia