All-Russian scientific school for youth in Non-Destructive Testing (SibTest)


Organising Committee:

V.N. Borikov, DSc, Professor, Director of the Institute of Non-Destructive Testing, Tomsk Polytechnic University

A.V. Yurchenko, DSc,, Senior Researcher of the international laboratory Vision Systems

A.G.Yakunin, DSc, Head of Department, Polzunov Altai State Technical University

S.E. Shipilov, Ph.D., Associate Professor of the Department of Radio Physics, Tomsk State University

I.A. Larioshina, Ph.D., assistant the Institute of Non-Destructive Testing, National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University

I.A.Lezhnina, Ph.D., Associate Professor of the of Industrial and Medical Electronics, Tomsk Polytechnic University