International Conference "Modern problems of hydrogeology, geology engineering and hydrogeoecology of Eurasia"

Tomsk Polytechnic University

23-27 November 2015

Paper tamplates
The article title (in the middle, Arial 12, bold capital letters), initials and surname should be lower bold letters, Arial 10, in one interval on the next; on the next line, in 1,5 interval, bold Arial 9, should be the full company name (without abbreviation), city, country, E-mail; in 1,5 interval, Arial 10 – abstract in Russian and in English; in 1,5 interval – article text. For text in Russian use Microsoft Word, font Times New Roman, size 12, and interval – 1, margins all around – 25 mm. Paragraph breaks on the first line – 1 cm, full alignment. Symbols are inserted into a set of headsets Symbol, definable recording typed in Microsoft Equation. Text writing, table design, inset and figures location must be making by MSWord. Sizes of tables and figures must not be more that А4 size. Put literature references in the square brackets and include the number [1]. References must be in one interval from the article and arranged in alphabetical order according to authors names.

The volume of materials together with illustrations and references for ordered report must not exceed 8 pages, for participator articles – 4 pages. The best reports publication in English is expected to be in the journal, indexed by Scopus database. Details will be reflected in the 2nd information letter