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After graduation, assigned to the Chair of Industrial Electronics of Electrophysical department. After having worked as an assistant for 1.5 years, was transferred to Research institute of nuclear physics of TPI as an engineer of the department of portable small-size betatrons.
Was involved in studying application of bremsstrahlung beams for solvation of special tasks within a group under the leadership of PhD M. M. Shtein:
- studied finely collimated X-ray and bremsstrahlung beams of the energies from 100 keV to 15 MeV passing in the air at 1-8 lengths of free path;
- measured angular distribution of bremsstrahlung albedo (6-15 MeV) from flat targets of various atomic numbers (Al, Fe, Cu, Pb);
- studied different methods of radiation spatial modulation.

The listed tasks required sophisticated (specialized) equipment that was capable of running in a wide energy range, and had a broad dynamic range as well as time and temperature stability.
Based on the results of work, defended a PhD dissertation on a special subject in 1983 in Radium institute of V. G. Khlopin, and obtained a PhD diploma for specialty 05.11.10 "Instruments for radiation registration and X-ray devices" (advisor – Doctor of technical sciences L. M. Ananiyev). Further scientific activity is related to research, development/design of instruments and devices to control bremsstrahlung beam parameters both at the output window of a betatron, and behind test objects, and also to designing of control circuits of betatrons.
Studied scintillation detectors, mixed scintillator-photodiode, ionization detectors, as well as various techniques of converting detector current into frequency. They are protected by inventor's certificates and used in all betatron modifications.
In 1988, awarded an academic degree of a senior researcher in above-mentioned specialty 05.11.10.
Further steps of scientific and practical work are related to researches in extending application spheres of betatron:
- betatrons for medicine (СМВ-10);
- low-dose betatron for 9 MeV (LXB-9);
- combined source of bremsstrahlung and neutrons KRAB;
- specialized betatrons for screening systems with higher dose rate, not to mention small dimensions and power consumption.
Along with conventional NDT betatrons for 2.5 to 10 MeV energy manufactured in small series, betatrons for mobile and fixed cargo inspection systems were developed: ВЕАМ (2.5 MeV); РХВ-7.5S3 (7.5М); РХВ-6.5D; РХВ-9D (9 MeV); MIB-7.5/4.
They have been manufactured in small batches from 25 to 100 units.
Actively promoted betatrons to the Western market:
1987, 1988 – Italy – demonstration tests of MIB-4 betatron in some companies: "E.N.E.A", "Bellele", "I.S.M.E.S" and others involved in inspection of building constructions, radioactive waste in containers, high-pressure vessels. The tests resulted in the sale of the betatron.
1998-2009 – work with Smiths Heimann GmbH on studying betatron application in cargo inspection systems, finding optimum parameters, designing of a 2.5 MeV betatron, launch, and training of betatron maintenance (20 hours of lecturing) as part of mobile facility CAB-2000, which has been made in a series of more than 100 units;
1998-2011 – China – business trips to such companies as "DNDT", "Huari", "BET" and others, who purchased betatrons. In 2011, performed training and launch of the first inspection system with integrated MIB-7.5/4, at PowerScan company.
In recent years, worked on upgrade of control circuits, application of modern schematic designs.
Over the years of work, 50 papers have been published, 7 inventor's certificates and patents obtained.

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