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Исследовательская школа физики высокоэнергетических процессов, Доцент

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Research interests Ryzhakova N.K. related to radiation safety, ecology and medicine. One of the lines of research devoted to the development of the method for determining radon areas of building, which allows to obtain reliable estimates of the number of exiting from the surface of the soil radon. For this purpose, it is also necessary to study the radon transport processes through soils. Radioactive radon gas is released mainly from soils located under the base of buildings. Accumulating indoor radon makes the main contribution to the dose due to natural radiation sources. In accordance with the regulations prior to the construction work necessary to assess the radon risk of building area. However, there are problems with the selection criteria by which we can estimate the radon danger area, as well as the methods of measurement and reliability of the results. Existing problems can be solved, if you know the laws and the basic parameters of radon transport through soils. On this subject received five patents, which describe a simple, reliable and cheap ways to measure key parameters required for assessing the radon risk areas of building - factor emanation of radon, effective radon diffusion coefficient of radon flux density and established a large depth of radon activity in air then ground and speed convection radon in soil. On the basis of these patents developed a simple method for estimating radoopasnosti areas development that does not require expensive equipment and long-term continuous measurements. The second area of ​​research is related to the study of surface air pollution by heavy metals and other toxic elements. Research carried out by the method of moss-biomonitors and nuclear-physical methods of analysis. The patented method of TPU-moss biomonitoring based on the use of epiphytic moss allows you to identify the most polluted zones in urban areas, to establish sources of pollution. Research is conducted in cooperation with the Department of Tomsk State University botany. The third direction is connected with the study of patterns of migration and spatial distribution of pollutants in the atmospheric boundary layer. The methods determine the basic parameters of the transfer - the turbulent diffusion coefficient and rate of gravitational settling of particles emissions of industrial enterprises. In addition, we study the influence of natural climatic conditions in the transport processes contaminant, including the impact of the terrain. The studies also used the method of moss-biomonitors and nuclear-physical methods of analysis. On this topic the study received 2 patents. Research in the field of medicine are carried out together with the Tomsk Medical University and dedicated to the study of the content of long-lived radionuclides, and various micro and macro elements in plants used as a medicinal plant. It should be noted that about 40% of therapeutic preparations obtained from plants only, because Biologically active substances of plants more closely related human organism in nature than synthetic drugs. In the long course of evolution, man has adapted to their assimilation; they are easier to be included in the life process, so they are more bioavailable and far less instances of intolerance. Preparations from plant active against microorganisms and viruses have acquired resistance to antibiotics and synthetic drugs. In this area we study the influence of various factors - vegetation types, climatic growing conditions, harvesting time, etc. on the content of radionuclides and chemical vegetation elements as vital and toxic. In conducting research are widely used methods of statistical data processing, which allows you to make reliable conclusions about the studied phenomena and objects.
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