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Courses in 2015/16 academic year

1. Modeling and analysis of business processes

The objectives of the discipline «Modeling and analysis of business processes» in the preparation of the future bachelor in economics are:

- preparation of graduates for the development of business plans for the creation of new businesses and business organization;

- preparation of graduates for interdisciplinary research to solve the problems associated with the modeling and management of business processes, as well as the prediction of the results of the introduction of innovative technologies;

- preparation of graduates for self-training and continuous professional self-improvement.

2. Information systems in banking

The main purpose of the discipline is acquisition by students the knowledge about information systems of banking.

Students learn about the processes of automation in banking organizations. Students learn to have the use of information systems for banking organizations.

3. Business Planning

The purpose of discipline «Business Planning» is to acquaint students with the fundamentals of business and business planning, to form a working knowledge of software systems for the development of business plans, teach students to carry out a comprehensive assessment of the current economic and financial condition of the company to analyze the situation of reasons by means of special software complexes, work skills using special software systems for the development, evaluation and analysis of business plans for enterprises.

4. Design of Information Systems

The objectives of the development of the discipline «Design of Information Systems»: mastering the basics design methodology and application of information and software systems for the processing of information in management and development tools, the development of information systems through the application of CASE-technologies.

5. Planning a business career

As a result of the development of the discipline Bachelor acquires knowledge and skills to ensure the achievement of the purposes of the basic educational program «Applied Informatics».

The discipline focuses on the preparation of bachelors in industrial activity in the area of professional career management.

6. Knowledge Management Systems

The objectives of the development of the discipline «Knowledge Management Systems»: the study of undergraduates issues and areas of use of knowledge management systems (KMS) in solving various problems of the preparation of decision-making, corporate training, and design; coverage of theoretical and organizational-methodological problems of construction and operation of the KMS.

The objectives of the discipline «Knowledge Management Systems» include:

• examining students the methodology and technology of knowledge management systems;

• development of skills in determining the architecture and general scheme of functioning, methods of organization of knowledge in the projected KMS;

• development of skills in the construction of the objectives of the system and knowledge of the cards in a specific area of concern, ontology, selection and organization of knowledge sources, the development of technology of access to knowledge;

• practical skills of designing KMS using software modeling and knowledge management processes.

Annotation of the discipline "Discrete Mathematics"
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