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The main research areas - clarification of the nature of the residual strain in rock by indentation indenter, the development of techniques L.A.Shreynera determining the mechanical properties of rocks, research of the mechanism of the effect of liquids on rock and inorganic dielectrics destruction, the research of the electric current impulse at the interface "drill bit - rock" during drilling.

For several years he was the scientific director of the theme of "mechanical -electrical conversion in the destruction of rocks and Rehbinder’s effect in drilling" carried out under EZN. In December 2002, he initiated a contract with Schlumberger to perform the scientific theme "Research electric currents at the interface bit - rock during drilling " in the project " Innovative and long-term underground mining of natural resources". He was scientific director of the economic contract "Development of hydrodynamic dispersant to improve the quality characteristics of the muds ", "Development of complex diagnostic efficiency of rock breaking during drilling", "Development of scientific basis of operational control of the drilling process by registering mechanic-electric phenomena in the process of rock destruction in the bottom of the well".

Repeatedly demonstrate scientific reports in the leading scientific centers of the country: Physical- Technical Institute AF Ioffe (Saint Petersburg ), Physical-Mechanical Institute (Lviv) , the Institute of Physical Chemistry, Russian Academy of Sciences (Moscow), Moscow State University ( Moscow), the Mining Institute ( St. Petersburg), the Ufa State Oil technical University (Ufa), and others . He has participated in national and international scientific conferences and symposiums.

He is a member of two dissertation councils for the protection of PhD dissertations (D212.269.07 , D.212.269.12 ) . And he was a scientific secretary of the dissertation council D212.269.07 during 2002 – 2008.

Tomsk Polytechnic University
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