International Science and Technology Conference for Youth
"Advanced Materials for Engineering and Functional Purposes"
17-21 October
International scientific and technical youth conference "Perspective materials for structural and functional purposes"
October 17-21, 2022.

The purpose of the conference is to develop cooperation between Russian and foreign scientists in conducting research in the field of modern materials science and high technology.

The main directions of the conference are:

Section 1. Problems of structural materials reliability
Section 2. Functional Materials
Section 3. Surface Modification
October 17, 2022


The international scientific and technical youth conference «Perspective materials for structural and functional purposes» is dedicated to attract young people to the modern problems of creating materials based on new ideas about the solids behavior nature with different effects in the interests of industry. The conference focuses on new materials, modern technologies and the latest achievements in the field of science and technology, relying on an interdisciplinary approach to solving problems. At the opening of the conference, leading scientists will make plenary presentations.

October 17-21, 2022


The problem of reliability has always been dealt with since the advent of technology. Recently, the problem of technical systems reliability and their constituent elements has become much more acute. The complexity of the conditions in which a modern technical system can be operated is characterized by operation in wide temperature ranges (from -70 ° C to + 70 ° C), high humidity (98-100%), vibrations with a large amplitude and a wide range of frequencies, the presence of linear accelerations, high solar radiation, etc. It is very important to maintain operational properties to ensure high stability of the geometric shapes and sizes of individual parts or the entire product, obtaining high strength characteristics (hardness, strength, wear resistance, cold resistance). The responsibility of the functions performed by modern technical systems is related to the fact that their failure leads to large technical and economic losses, and, in some cases, can cause disastrous consequences. It is also very important to develop the scientific basis for the selection of structural materials and methods for assessing the resource of machines taking into account extreme operating loads. The following areas will be considered in the section:

  • Strength, ductility and fatigue life of materials
  • Research methods, diagnostics and resource testing of materials
  • Problems of materials operation in extreme conditions
  • Structural studies of materials
October 17-21, 2022


Functional materials can be defined as materials that are used in a wide variety of areas of modern life: from microelectronics to space research and have well-defined, preferably customizable, physical and chemical properties. Such materials, in particular, may include composites, alloys, polymer compounds. The creation of an optimal material requires the strengthening or suppression of any properties in an existing material and is impossible without the involvement of modern experimental and theoretical approaches. To understand the processes leading to the appearance of certain properties of a particular substance, it is necessary to know its atomic structure, the consequences of the interaction of various structure elements at the time of its final formation. Fundamentally new knowledge will be obtained on the structure of metal, ceramic, natural and synthetic polymers and composites; creation on their basis of powder and bulk materials and coatings with desired properties, including promising (superelastic and superhard) carbon nanomaterials with high wear resistance and low friction coefficient and coatings with specified functional properties are considered. The following areas will be considered in the section:

  • Materials for renewable energy
  • Heat-resistant and cold-resistant materials
  • Nanomaterials and technologies for producing from them
  • Composite materials on a metal, ceramic and polymer basis
  • Biomaterials
October 17-21, 2022


To increase the various parts durability, a search is constantly being made for new compositions and technological methods that contribute to increase aggressive environments and aging, frictional wear and other operational influences resistance. Economically, the most beneficial is surface and coating modification. Physicochemical modification is understood to mean a purposeful change in surface properties as a result of technological external influence. In this case, change in the structure of the material in thin surface layers due to physical action (ion and electron beams, low-temperature and high-temperature plasma, electric discharge, etc.) or chemical exposure, which leads to the formation of chemical compounds based on the base material on the surface layers is meant. However, modifying the surface in other ways, for example, mechanical. The following areas will be considered in the section:

  • Surface modification methods
  • Polyfunctional coatings
  • High-tech surface treatment technology
October 21, 2022


The conference will host the youth scientific school “I AM IN THE WORLD OF MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ADVANCED TECHNOLOGY”, which includes workshops “Simple about the complex”, “Practice of public speaking in the TED talks format” and the report competition “I am in the world of science” about advanced technology materials.

Master class "Simple about the complex". Leading scientists in the field of modern materials science, representing various scientific schools of Russia and foreign countries, will make overview reports.

Workshop "The practice of public speaking in the TED talks format." The skill of public speaking is especially relevant for young researchers making presentations of their first results. The formation of this skill helps to increase the competitiveness of the researcher. The “TED talks” format provides young researchers with the opportunity to present themselves to a wide audience, outside the conference format. The workshop is aimed at students, graduate students and young scientists interested in the practice and skills of public speaking.

It is possible to take part in the workshop in two formats: listener and speaker. The program includes a workshop on principles and resources for preparing a successful presentation and public presentation, presenting recommendations on the topic of the workshop, presentations of selected TED talks presentations, and a final discussion of the reports.

The reports competition for schoolchildren "I am in the world of science of advanced technology materials." The purpose of organizing a competition for reports is to identify gifted scholars with some achievements in research.

Tasks: the motivation formation of scholars to participate in research activities; development of creative interest in the achievements of science and technology in the field of materials science; the development of interest in the technical specialties of universities; creation of conditions for acquaintance of scholars and teachers with the creative heritage, innovative achievements of outstanding scientists; the formation of the skill of successful presentation of the research activities results among schoolchildren.

October 21, 2022


The closing ceremony of the conference, summarizing, rewarding the winners of the conference competitions, presenting of souvenirs, diplomas and certificates.
