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Tracheva M.A.,
student Tomsk polytechnic university

World financial crisis inflicted damage to many sectors of the economy, but the most suffered is the building sector. As a consequence were suffered all participants of the real estate market and, in particular, estate agencies which should develop new strategy of behaviour to stay competitive.

The main problem for the market of real estate services became the reduction of demand on the real estate. Basically reasons of reduction were the following: expectation of the more declines of the real estates’ prices as the result of the second wave of crisis, and also problems in mortgage lending, which mean decrease in volumes of mortgage lending. Some time closely to the saturation of demand on the real estate, realtors’ area was relieved from the necessity to compete, buyers “went on the object” in literal sense of these words, objects of the real estate were selling very fast. Now the offer of the same objects is so great that consumer chooses whether to refer to the estate agency or to make the independent decision of his problem. Thus, the market of real estate services wasn’t competitive market before the crisis. But the developed situation is normal for the competitive market, where degree of competitive level is high and consumer chooses. The majority of agencies couldn’t stand the competition and began to close. Basically reason was that many agencies in new conditions could not be kept on the market, because old methods of working became unacceptable and new methods have required the big investments as material means, so as patience and time. The norm of profitability of real estate business began to come closely to the norm of profitability of the majority of kinds of activity, and it is possible and necessary to count norm.

Now the market of real estate services is in a situation of "hard updating", but it is not in the crisis’ conditions. Last years the reputation of realtors has sharply fallen. The quantity of competent and skilled experts is catastrophically reduces, many agencies feel personnel famine. Turnover of staff in agencies achieves 70 %, shortage of people is influenced on the quality of provided services, and if to take into account that the part of time spends on training, than it is not necessary to talk about the high quality of service at all. “Turns out it is the vicious circle. - make comments Sergey Krjachkov, - Low quality of service creates bad reputation of the company, the bad reputation influences on the selection of the staff, and shortage of experts poures out in a bad controllability of collective that influences on a labour discipline. And all chain of problems repeats again”(1). The one of decisions of this problem could be introduction of licenses for providing of real estate services. One of the key conditions for getting the license should be acknowledgement of qualification for all realtors who work in the estate agency, and acknowledgement should be carried out periodically. It allows to increase the quality of service for consumers and to support it at the achieved level.

Also client orientation wasn’t characteristic for Russian market of real estate services due to the absence of need to attract clients. But in new conditions principle of orientation on client is the basic element in strategy of any company which is provide any services on the real state market. Consumer with his special tastes and preferences became the main object of the company activity. Every employee should take up the responsibility for quality of services and increase the degree of clients’ loyalty for the company.

Here it is necessary to note, that in realtors’ business concept of loyalty client is conditionally. In the standard expression – it is constant client, but in the given kind of business such clients practically are not present. That’s why in purpose of terminology loyal or key clients are considered to be those who in the future plan to purchase the real estate after selling their own objects or possess the big contact audience and can recommend the state agency to his friends.

At formation of new methods of work with clients, it is need not to forget about one of the key elements of the market of the real estate - the cost of the real estate objects. If to talk about the cost on the residential real estate - it will not change cardinally. It is necessary to note that the basic criteria of formation of prices on the real estate are cost of building materials, a labour, deductions which go in the budget of the city and which builders take into account at formation of cost, there will not be any downfall of prices. Besides there are not so many ground areas attractive for a residential building in Tomsk that it was possible to talk about increasing in volumes of construction of new objects, growth of a competition and as consequence cardinal reduction of prices.

Thus the last tendency on the real estate market formed new technology of work with clients:

1) maintenance of the high quality standards of service for consumers;
2) maintenance of loyalty;
3) individualization of work with clients or individual marketing of the client i.e. to each client are formed an individual approach, taking into account his needs, an opportunity and even personal qualities. Rendering service goes “from the client” and his needs, instead of “from firm” - image, popularity;
4) perfection the system of communications between the personnel of the company and clients, trough the introduction of new information technologies, such as a site of the company, electronic catalogues, carrying out of displays in 3D;
5) individual marketing of the realtor: promote not only service but also the expert providing its service. Service is adhered to the concrete executor, and from his professionalism and skill to communicate depend its qualities. Each employee represents “mini-agency of a full cycle”, lead the transaction completely, if it is necessary involving experts from other departments. Promotion of experts is carried out with the help of publications, advertising, comments on questions discussed in mass-media. Besides everything, it forms adherence of the employee for the company, comprehension of his necessity that is important for motivation. Also the employee becomes adhered to corporate resources, sees difference of the given concrete company.

According to the market representatives the number of real estate companies was reduced at 20-50 % (2) from the beginning of 2009. Basically, the small companies leaved the market. These companies have been created two - three years ago in a pursuit of a fast profit, but the amount of large agencies doesn’t decreases: on the contrary, they open new branches and increase the staff. Nonprofessional realtors who don’t take up the responsibility for their actions will leave the market very soon. Today, if the transaction has been lead unfairly addressing in the court not always helps to achieve the justice. Therefore, there are necessary some qualitative changes in the future which gonna demand new approach for providing the real estate services. Thus, crisis can be considered as the factor of natural selection and occurrence of new technologies of sales on the market of real estate services.

(1)Crisis as the factor of novelty of real estate business http://www.fortuna29.ru/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=16:only-one-edit-window-how-do-i-create-read-more&catid=28:current-users&Itemid=57 (date of the reference 16.03.2010)

(2)Crisis as the factor of novelty of real estate business http://www.fortuna29.ru/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=16:only-one-edit-window-how-do-i-create-read-more&catid=28:current-users&Itemid=57 (date of the reference 16.03.2010)

Reference list
1. Andreeva, Elena. “Client of estate agency of 21 century. What is he?” Network of estate agencies “Expert”. 1 Oct. 2008. 13 Mar. 2010\ http://ipocredit.ru/news/01_10_2008/782144.
2.“Crisis as the factor of novelty of real estate business.” fortuna29.ru. 30 Jan. 2009. 16 Mar. 2010 http://www.fortuna29.ru/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=16:only-one-edit-window-how-do-i-create-read-more&catid=28:current-users&Itemid=57.

The supervisor of studies: Kalashnikova T.V., Cand.Tech.Sci., the senior lecturer.
The language advisor: Belenyk N.A., candidate of science, the senior lecturer.