Laboratory Work to “General English Course” module 4 “Environment” for 1st  year students
Level: Intermediate

WEBQUEST "Water pollution"




Hands under Water Graphic

You are employees of a national television company that produces documentaries about wild nature. Your group has been hired to create documentary that will convince people not to pollute water.  As a group, your job will be to learn about water problems, to create a project of a documentary targeted to young people, to produce this project using PowerPoint.


According to a street survey “What do you know about water you drink?” you have chosen three answers:

1.     “I’ve heard that 75 % of the human brain is water! I can hardly believe it! But if we drink the water we drink…what brain we will have! I’d like to know more about water and its quality (Ann, 13 years old)

2.   I worked as a volunteer last summer! We tried to clean up a beach after an oil tanker spill. By the way, do you know that one ton of oil is spilled for every million tons of oil transported? We have to find alternative types of fuel. But all what I heard are some strange ideas that we can fuel our cars, for example, with grass, beer or even dead cats! Is it really so? (Jack, 19)

3.   I think that each person is responsible for air we breathe, water we drink. You should teach people how to be “hydrological”, instead of walking around and asking these useless questions! (Martin, 22)

With your partners, decide which of the three proposed topics each student is going to research. For this you have some prompts below. Be attentive, read the task and follow the links!


1st journalist:

§  Use the Internet to research various amusing facts concerning with water. Make up a quiz for your viewers “What do you know about water?” (at least 10 questions)




§  Try to explain what the water pollution is, tell about the main types of water pollution, their causes and effects



§  To emphasize your report try to find as many pictures (or video) as possible to include in your presentation (you can use pictures below as hyperlinks).

2nd journalist:

§  Use the Internet to research different suggestions about alternative types of fuel. In your presentation try to answer what type of alternative fuel do you consider the best to save our environment and why (and may be it will be you who suggest the new one!)

link (look for types of fuel here)



§  Try to find 10 top tips for “greens” about how to save energy


3rd journalist:

§  Use the Internet to research how we can stop water pollution. Try to invent questionnaire (at least 10 questions) if people know how to be hydrological



§  In your part of presentation tell about wastewater treatment and explain how we can save or clean water at home



Photo: Talus slopes of Crowfoot Mountain sweep to Bow LakePhoto: Ethiopian boy drinks water9205.jpgPhoto: Twilight view of cattails growing on the banks of a freshwater lagoon in South Carolina's Huntington Beach State Park

Evaluation rubric


Presentations will be evaluated using the following criteria:


Content – 10 points

§  Accurately follows the title and abstract and stays on topic  max 5

§  Instructive and mind-provoking                                                    max 5

Organization – 20 points

§  Secures audience attention                                                             max 5

§  Objective and outline well formulated in the introduction     max 5

§  Well structured, flowing logically and with good transition

between the sections                                                                              max 5

§  Offers summary of ideas                                                                  max 5

 Delivery – 20 points

§  Consideration given to the understanding of English by the audience, i.e. clear pronunciation and speech rhythm                                                    max 5

§  Good visual quality (content displayed well visible, good choice of

font, colours, pictures, well balanced screens)                           max 5

§  Uses physical behavior that supports the message

(including appropriate eye contact, facial expressions, gestures,

posture, personal appearance)                                                       max 5

§  Adheres to time requirements                                                        max 5