Стандартное меню подразделений (новое)
Название подразделения
    About the Department     

The Department of Foreign Languages, which is headed by Olga Solodovnikova, was established in 2009. In 2012 it became part of the Institute of Humanities, Social Sciences, and Technology, due to the restructuring of the University.


to support the academic activities of bachelors, specialists, master’s students (1-5 years of study) and postgraduates of the Institute;
to offer training in the following additional education programs:
"Interpreter \ Translator (English and German) in the Field of Professional Communication" (more than 1500 academic hours) certified by the state diploma;
Second foreign language (Chinese, German, Spanish, French);
Language courses
to develop teaching materials in foreign languages;
to organize extracurricular activities for students;
to develop and implement new technologies and methods for teaching foreign languages.

Scientific Interests:

practice and theory of translation;
cultural linguistics, philosophy of culture and philosophy of language;
theory and methodology of foreign language teaching;
theoretical issues of philology;
information and communication technologies in foreign language teaching.

Currently the staff consists of 38 people including 6 associate professors, 16 senior teachers, 7 teaching assistants and teachers.

The concept of the language training in ISHT suggests that the students can select an educational strategy: from the obligatory minimum in accordance with the state educational standard up to the possibility of getting an International Certificate or a state Diploma in Business and English for Specific Purposes.


...To learn any language free inquisitiveness is more important than menacing necessity. (Saint Augustin)