Зеремская Юлия Александровна
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Количество записей: 85

  1. Rubanova, Elena Vitalievna. Bacon's Philosophical Theory of Human-nature Relations / E. V. Rubanova, V. G. Rubanov, Yu. A. Zeremskaya // Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences . — 2015 . — Vol. 166 : Proceedings of The International Conference on Research Paradigms Transformation in Social Sciences 2014 (RPTSS-2014), 16–18 October 2014, Tomsk, Russia . — [P. 655-659] . — Title screen. — [References: р. 659 (26 tit.)]. — Режим доступа: по договору с организацией-держателем ресурса..

  2. Volokitin, Roman Leonidovich. Perspectives Of Online Professional Foreign Language Learning In Polytechnic Universities / R. L. Volokitin, Yu. A. Zeremskaya, E. Yu. Nadezhdina // The Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology (TOJET) . — 2015 . — Spec. iss. 1 (2015, July) : 15th International Educational Technology Conference - IETC 2015 . — [P. 447-450] . — Title screen. — [References: p. 450 (6 tit.)]..

  3. Volokitin, Roman Leonidovich. Perspectives Of Online Professional Foreign Language Learning InPolytechnic Universities / R. L. Volokitin, Yu. A. Zeremskaya, E. Yu. Nadezhdina // International Educational Technology Conference - IETC-2015 Proceedings Book the 15th Conference, Istanbul, Turkey, May 27-29, 2015: . — Adapazari : Sakarya University , 2015 . — [P. 768-774] . — Title screen. — [References: p. 774 (7 tit.)]..

  4. Maksimova, Nataliya Gennadievna. Complex Engineering Training as a Key Element of Higher Technical Education Development / N. G. Maksimova, Yu. A. Zeremskaya // Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences . — 2015 . — Vol. 214 : Worldwide trends in the development of education and academic research . — [P. 677-683] . — Title screen. — [References: 12 tit.]..

  5. Зеремская, Юлия Александровна. Английский язык для программ академической мобильности. Модуль 1 : электронный курс / Ю. А. Зеремская; Национальный исследовательский Томский политехнический университет, Институт социально-гуманитарных технологий, Кафедра иностранных языков. — Электрон. дан.. — Томск: TPU Moodle, 2015. — Заглавие с экрана. — Доступ по логину и паролю..

  6. Botova, A. A.. Coaching method in management / A. A. Botova; lang. adv. Yu. A. Zeremskaya // Journal of Economics and Social Sciences electronic scientific journal: . — 2014 . — № 4 . — [3 p.] . — Title screen. — [References: 5 tit.].. — ISSN 2312-2978 .

  7. Dyachenko, Yu. I.. Leadership styles in an organization / Yu. I. Dyachenko; lang. adv. Yu. A. Zeremskaya // Journal of Economics and Social Sciences electronic scientific journal: . — 2014 . — № 4 . — [2 p.] . — Title screen. — [References: 2 tit.].. — ISSN 2312-2978 .

  8. Ocheretin, K. G.. The foundation of the company / K. G. Ocheretin; sci. adv. N. M. Pankova ;lang. adv. Yu. A. Zeremskaya // Journal of Economics and Social Sciences electronic scientific journal: . — 2014 . — № 4 . — [3 p.] . — Title screen. — [References: 4 tit.].. — ISSN 2312-2978 .

  9. Ispravnikov, A. A.. Planning of organizational changes / A. A. Ispravnikov; sci. adv. N. V. Serkova ;lang. adv. Yu. A. Zeremskaya // Journal of Economics and Social Sciences electronic scientific journal: . — 2014 . — № 4 . — [3 p.] . — Title screen. — [References: 3 tit.].. — ISSN 2312-2978 .

  10. Chumyakina, T. A.. Definition of strategic management / T. A. Chumyakina; sci. adv. Yu. A. Nikitina ; lang. adv. Yu. A. Zeremskaya // Journal of Economics and Social Sciences electronic scientific journal: . — 2014 . — № 4 . — [2 p.] . — Title screen. — [References: 4 tit.].. — ISSN 2312-2978 .

  11. Ageeva, Yu. A.. Ways of market promotion / Yu. A. Ageeva; sci. adv. Z. S. Zaviyalova ; lang. adv. Yu. A. Zeremskaya // Journal of Economics and Social Sciences electronic scientific journal: . — 2014 . — № 5 . — [3 p.] . — Title screen. — [References: 6 tit.].. — ISSN 2312-2978 .

  12. Yurev, N. B.. Service in the system of product policy in IKEA / N. B. Yurev; lang. adv. Yu. A. Zeremskaya // Journal of Economics and Social Sciences electronic scientific journal: . — 2014 . — № 5 . — [2 p.] . — Title screen. — [References: 3 tit.].. — ISSN 2312-2978 .

  13. Lyubavina, A. G.. Influence of ambient media technologies on the city image formation / A. G. Lyubavina; sci. adv. E. V. Latysheva ; lang. adv. Yu. A. Zeremskaya // Journal of Economics and Social Sciences electronic scientific journal: . — 2014 . — № 5 . — [3 p.] . — Title screen. — [References: 3 tit.].. — ISSN 2312-2978 .

  14. Lyubavina, A. G.. Distinguishing features and constraints of ambient media technologies / A. G. Lyubavina; sci. adv. E. V. Latysheva ;lang. adv. Yu. A. Zeremskaya // Journal of Economics and Social Sciences electronic scientific journal: . — 2014 . — № 5 . — [3 p.] . — Title screen. — [References: 2 tit.].. — ISSN 2312-2978 .

  15. Dyachenko, Yu. I. . Gender analysis of management style / Yu. I. Dyachenko; lang. adv. Yu. A. Zeremskaya // Journal of Economics and Social Sciences electronic scientific journal: . — 2014 . — № 5 . — [2 p.] . — Title screen. — [References: 5 tit.].. — ISSN 2312-2978 .

  16. Botova, A. A.. Role of technology in hr management / A. A. Botova; lang. adv. Yu. A. Zeremskaya // Journal of Economics and Social Sciences electronic scientific journal: . — 2014 . — № 5 . — [2 p.] . — Title screen. — [References: 4 tit.].. — ISSN 2312-2978 .

  17. Ступникова, Ольга Борисовна. Опыт проведения научных студенческих конференций = Experience of organizing scientific students’ conferences / О. Б. Ступникова, Ю. А. Зеремская // В мире научных открытий . — 2014 . — № 11.5 (59) . — [С. 1760-1765] . — Заглавие с экрана. — [Библиогр.: с. 1765 (2 назв.)]. — Режим доступа: по договору с организацией-держателем ресурса..

  18. Yurev, N. B.. Political advertising during the election campaign / N. B. Yurev; sci. adv. Yu. A. Zeremskaya // Journal of Economics and Social Sciences electronic scientific journal: . — 2013 . — № 3 . — [2 p.] . — Title screen. — [References: 3 tit.].. — ISSN 2312-2978 .

  19. Kolmagorov, V. O.. Base methods for assessing company's investment potential / V. O. Kolmagorov; sci. adv. V. M. Kizeev ; lang. adv. Yu. A. Zeremskaya // Journal of Economics and Social Sciences electronic scientific journal: . — 2013 . — № 3 . — [3 p.] . — Title screen. — [References: 6 tit.].. — ISSN 2312-2978 .

  20. Kolmagorov, V.. Base methods for assessing company's investment potential / V. Kolmagorov; sci. adv. V. M. Kizeev ;lang. adv. Yu. A. Zeremskaya // Journal of Economics and Social Sciences electronic scientific journal: . — 2013 . — № 3 . — [3 p.] . — Title screen. — [References: 6 tit.].. — ISSN 2312-2978 .

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