Vidman Vitaly Viktorovich was born on May 30, 1993.
2015 - obtained Karaganda State Technical University Bachelors degree in "Computer Engineering and Software".
2017 - obtained Masters degree in TPU in Informatics and Computer Engineering (perfect grades).
2021 - graduated from TPU postgraduate course, specialty 09.06.01 "Informatics and Computer Engineering".
2019 - advanced training under the "First Aid" program, 40 hours.
2019 - advanced training under the program "Teacher of the higher engineering school", 72 hours.
2020 - advanced training under the program "Implementation of the educational program in the conditions of the development of the electronic information and educational environment".
2020 - advanced training under the program "Specifics of the organization of inclusive education of persons with disabilities in educational institutions of higher education".
March 2013-July 2015 worked as a system technician in LLC "Micro-Lux" Service.
November 2017 - May 2018- assistant in IT Department of School of Computer Science & Robotics.
August 2018 - December 2020 - assistant in School of basic engineering training.
January 2021 - present - assistant in IT Department of School of Computer Science & Robotics.