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• Tomsk Polytechnic University, the program: Counteraction of corruption, Tomsk 2015 • NRU Higher school of Economics, the program: Monitoring of the University environment, Moscow, 2015 • Tomsk state University, the program: The distance learning System Moodle in an educational process, Tomsk, 2014 • Tomsk state University, the program: Information technologies in socio-humanitarian studies and education, Tomsk, 2013 • Tomsk state University, the program: Knowledge Management, organizational development and academic globalization, Tomsk, 2012 • Tomsk state University, the program: Innovative educational technologies, Tomsk, 2010 • State University of Humanities, the program: Youth culture in local and global perspective, Moscow, 2008 • University of Essex, NTF program: Improvement of teaching socio-economic disciplines in higher education, Colchester (England), 2004. • University Anter, the program: Education Management in Russia, TACIS EDRUS, Paris, (France), 2001.
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