Карелин Владимир Александрович
Доктор технических наук

Отделение ядерно-топливного цикла, Профессор

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06 октября 2024 / Sunday / Неделя четная
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Subject summary "Nuclear physics"
  • "The nuclear physics"
  • "Radiochemistry"
  • "Radiochemical processing of the spent nuclear fuel"
Supervises teaching and research work of students in the semester, industrial practice.

Is the supervisor at Certification.

Subject summary "Nuclear physics"
    The subject place in the curriculum:
    The subject "Nuclear physics" is in a variable part of the cross-disciplinary professional module.
    The subject "Nuclear physics" consists of a lecture course, practical and laboratory works.

    Subject content:
    Lecture course
    1. Theoretical fundamentals of a nuclear physics.
    α-radiation: its nature, energy and a path length of α-particles in substance. Passing of α-particles through substance. β-radiation: its nature, an energy distribution, interaction of β-particles with substance. Exaltation of atoms and the ionization created by β-particles. Absorption of β-radiation in substance. The linear and mass absorbtion coefficients. γ-radiation: its nature, energy of γ-beams. Interaction of γ-quanta with substance, an actinoelectricity, a compton scattering. The linear and mass absorbtion coefficients. Ionization ability of γ-radiation. Neutron radiation. Methods of neutrons synthesis. Energy of neutrons. Passing of neutrons through substance. Nuclear reaction, division of nucleus. Transverse section of neutrons capture. Absorption of neutron radiation when passing through substance.
    2. Methods of radiometric measurements.
    Ionization methods. Principles of operation of ionization chambers. The pulse and integrating ionization chambers. Cameras for α-, β-, γ-radiation and for measurement of neutrons. Counters of a radioactive radiation: their classification to destination and to the category mechanism. Designs of counters: edge, cylindrical, metal and glass. Geiger counter. Semiconductor counters. Method of scintillations. Scintillators for registration of α-, β-, γ-radiations, neutrons. Radiography method.
    3. Application of radiometric methods for the analysis of ores, concentrates, salts.
    Preparation of ore samples for the analysis. Safe weight of sample. Radiometric measurements on α-radiation (α-method). Carrying out the relative measurements by the ionization (integrating) method. Pulse method: its advantages. Correction for geometrical conditions of measurement, on a self-absorption and on a backscattering from a substrate. α-spectroscopy. Characteristic of a α-spectrum of uranium ore.
    Radiometric measurements on β-radiation (β-method). The ionization (integrating) β-method. Absolute measurements on β-radiation. The relative measurements with use of counters and scintillation sensors. Estimation of statistical accuracy of measurements.
    Radiometric measurements on γ-radiation (γ-method). Application of a γ-method. Absolute γ-method. γ-spectrometry. Scintillators for spectrometer measurements. Scintillation spectrum. Determination of various radioelements at their collateral presence at the sample. Main positions of an activation analysis. The equation of intensity of the induced activity from the maintenance of a defined element in the sample. Absolute and relative methods of an activation analysis.
    Practical training
    1. Interaction of the charged particles with substance.
    2. Interaction of neutrons with substance.
    3. Ionization method of filing of radiations. Semiconductor counters.
    4. Luminescent methods.
    5. Limiting streams density of the ionizing radiation.
    6. Protection against the ionizing radiation. Factors of accumulation of homogeneous solutions.
    7. Computational methods of protection against the ionizing radiation.
    Laboratory works
    1. Determination of an absorbtion coefficient β and γ-beams.
    2. Determination of gaseous products of disintegration of thorium compounds.3. 3. Identification of radionuclides by a γ-spectrometry method.
    4. Selection of ThC and ThC// and definition of their half-life periods.

    Total of hours number for development of this subject:
    108 hours, including 40 hours for office studying (lectures - 16 hours, practical works - 16 hours, laboratory works - 8 hours).
    Type of certification: examination.

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