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# Article output
1 Usoltseva N.V., Korobochkin V.V. Features of pore structure of the products of AC electrochemical oxidation of copper and aluminium // Materials of the II International distance scientific and practical conference "Modern trends in the development of science and industry." January 15–16, 2015. – Kemerovo: TD "Asia-print", 2015. – P. 109–112.
2 Usoltseva N.V., Korobochkin V.V. Stimulation Ways for Carbonisation of Non–Equilibrium Electrochemical Copper and Aluminium Oxidation Products // The collected papers of the III International Conference “Chemistry and Chemical Technology”. 16–20 September 2013. – Erevan: Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry, 2013. – P. 420−422.
3 Usoltseva N.V., Korobochkin V.V. Electrochemical Method of LDH-Derived Copper-Aluminium Nano-Oxide System Production // Programme and Abstracts of Russian-German Forum Nanotechnology. May 21-24, 2013. – Tomsk: TPU Press, P. 56.
4 Usoltseva N.V. Nonequilibrium Copper and Aluminium Electrochemical Oxidation as an Effective Way of Copper-Aluminium Oxide System Production // Proceedings of 19th International Scientific and Practical Conference of Students, Postgraduates and Young Scientists “Modern Techniques and Technologies” (MTT’2013), Tomsk, Tomsk Polytechnic University. April 15-16, 2013. – Tomsk: TPU Press, 2013. – P. 399−400.
5 Usoltseva N.V., Korobochkin V.V. The Environmental Influence of Substances Obtained by Nonequilibrium Electrochemical Copper and Aluminium Oxidation on Liquid-Phase Carbonization // Materials of 8th International scientific and practical conference "Education and science in XXI century". Vol.37. Medicine. Chemistry and chemical technology. Sofia, Bulgaria. October 17-25, 2012. – Sofia: "Byal-GRAD-BG" OOD, 2012. – P. 83–85.
6 Usoltseva N.V. Influence of the Nonequilibrium Electrochemical Synthesis Conditions on the Phase Composition of the Precursor of Nanodispersed Cu-Al-O System // Proceedings of 18th International Scientific and Practical Conference of Students, Postgraduates and Young Scientists “Modern Techniques and Technologies” (MTT’2012), Tomsk, Tomsk Polytechnic University. April 9-13, 2012. – Tomsk: TPU Press, 2012. – P. 251–253.
7 Usoltseva N.V. Investigation of Cu–Al–O System Carbonization in Air // Abstracts of VI All-Russian conference of young scientists, post-graduate students and students with the international participation "Mendeleev-2012".Inorganic chemistry. April 3-6, 2012. – St. Petersburg: Solo Press, 2012. – P. 330-332.
8 Usoltseva N.V., Korobochkin V.V. Thermal stability of copper-aluminium oxide system precursors obtained by electrochemical synthesis // Materials of the IInd International Kazakhstan-Russian Conference on Chemistry and Chemical Engineering dedicated to the 40th Anniversary of academician E.A. Buketov KarSU. – Vol. I.-February 28 – March 2, 2012. – Karaganda: Publishing House of KSU, 2012. – P. 259-261.
9 Usoltseva N.V., Balmashnov M.A. Electrochemical synthesis of nanocrystalline copper-aluminium oxide system under the action of alternating current of industrial frequency // Abstracts of the Second International Competition of Scientific Papers in Nanotechnology for Young Researchers. Rusnanotech09. October 6-8, 2009. – P. 592-594.
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