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the Founder and first head of the Branch of UNESCO Department, academician of the International Informatization Academy (IPA), member of the Academy of navigation and motion control (ANMC), member of the Educational-methodical Council on innovation universities of Russia, member of the dissertation Council for doctoral and master's dissertations D212.267.11, Tomsk state University of control systems and radio electronics (technical Sciences), member of the dissertation Council for doctoral and candidate dissertations D212.267.11 at Tomsk state University (Economics). the Author of more than 210 scientific and methodical works and inventions. In the field of technical Sciences Y. M. Osipov is the author of theory of operating multi-axis machines on the basis of direct (gearless) drive. In monographs Operating the electric machines of direct action", "Fundamentals of mechatronics", in several articles, he has proposed a modern methodology for developing multi-axis mechatronic modules of rotational and linear displacement on the basis of integration of precision mechanics, electrical engineering and electronics, including operating machines unconventional layouts based on mechatronic modules motion and the electric machine of new generation that performs along with power and computing functions. In economic Sciences Osipov Y. M. is the author of the theory of innovative process management of high technology products based on the assessments of competitiveness. In the book "the Competitiveness of knowledge-intensive engineering products: economy and management", in the textbook "Economics for engineers", in several articles, he has proposed a modern the methodology of innovation management, including fundamental economic categories: economic balance, competitive. Proposed integration is an innovative approach based on patterns of production and consumption of science-intensive products of "price-quality", making it possible to rationally combine the theory of equilibrium and the law of competition, to obtain the new parameters of a market economy and based on a realistic evaluation of the processes of creation and introduction of innovative products.
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