Углов Сергей Романович
Кандидат физико-математических наук

Международная научно-образовательная лаборатория "Рентгеновская оптика", Ведущий научный сотрудник
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Количество записей: 154

  1. Исследование энергетической зависимости выхода резонансного рентгеновского переходного излучения быстрых электронов / М. Ю. Андреяшкин [и др.] // Известия Российской академии наук. Серия физическая / Российская академия наук. — 1994. — Т. 58, № 5. — С. 176-178

  2. Influence of Kα absorption in (111) Ge crystal on spectral yield of parametric X-rays / Yu. N. Adishchev [et al.] // Physics Letters A : Scientific Journal. — 1990. — Vol. 147, iss. 5-6. — [P. 326–328]. — URL:

  3. Observation of spectral line splitting for parametric X-rays / Yu. N. Adishchev [et al.] // Physics Letters A : Scientific Journal. — 1987. — Vol. 120, iss. 9. — [P. 486–488]. — URL:

  4. Optical Radiation of Electrons and Positrons at Quasi-Molecular Channeling in Crystals / D. E. Popov [et al.] // Physica Status Solidi (B): Basic Research. — 1987. — Vol. 143, iss. 2. — [P. К141–К145]. — URL:

  5. Measurements of parametric X-rays from relativistic electrons in silicon crystals / Yu. N. Adishchev [et al.] // Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms : Scientific Journal. — 1987. — Vol. 21, iss. 1-4. — [P. 49-55]. — URL:

  6. X-rays generated by relativistic electrons in a waveguide radiator mounted inside a betatron / V. V. Kaplin [et al.] // Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms : Scientific Journal. — 2011. — Vol. 269, iss. 13. — [P. 1518-1522]. — URL:

  7. Parametric X-rays generated by electrons in multilayer mirrors mounted inside a betatron / V. V. Kaplin [еt al.] // Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms : Scientific Journal. — 2009. — Vol. 267, iss. 5. — [P. 777-780]. — URL:

  8. Characteristic X-ray radiation excited by 450 MeV/nucleon C+6 ions and 1.3GeV protons in extracted and circulated beams of accelerator U70 / A. G. Afonin [et al.] // Режим доступа: по договору с организацией-держателем ресурса. — URL:

  9. Monochromatic X-ray sources based on a mechanism of real and virtual photon diffraction in crystals / A. R. Wagner [et al.] // Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms. — 2008. — Vol. 266, iss. 17. — [P. 3893-3897]. — URL:

  10. Radiation stability of iron nanoparticles irradiated with accelerated iron ions / V. V. Uglov [et al.] // Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms : Scientific Journal. — 2015. — Vol. 354, iss. 1. — [P. 259-263]. — URL:

  11. Angular distributions of fast electrons at planar channeling in silicon crystals / V. V. Kaplin [et al.] // Physica Status Solidi (B): Basic Research. — 1984. — Vol. 126, iss. 2. — [P. 565-574]. — URL:

  12. Anomalous radiation of fast channeled electrons in optically transparent crystals / D. E. Popov [et al.] // Physica Status Solidi (B): Basic Research. — 1984. — Vol. 125, iss. 1. — [P. 251-258]. — URL:

  13. Measurement of spectral and polarization characteristics of parametric X-rays in a Si crystal / Yu. N. Adishchev [et al.] // Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms : Scientific Journal. — 1989. — Vol. 44, iss. 2. — [P. 130-136]. — URL:

  14. X-ray generation from relativistic electrons passing through thin targets in cyclical accelerators / N. N. Nasonov [et al.] // Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms : Scientific Journal. — 2005. — Vol. 227, iss. 1-2. — [P. 216-229]. — URL:

  15. Deflection of the electron beam with 1.87-4.52 mev energy in grazing incidence on the dielectric surface / V. I. Gridnev [et al.] // Journal of Surface Investigation. X-ray, Synchrotron and Neutron Techniques. — 2001. — Vol. 16, № 5. — P. 717-721

  16. Parametic x-radiation in a mosaic crystal of pyrolytic / K. Yu. Amosov [et al.] // Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics Letters (JETP Letters) : Scientific Journal. — 1994. — Vol. 60, iss. 7. — [P. 518-523]. — URL:

  17. Обнаружение параметрического рентгеновского излучения умеренно релятивистских протонов в кристаллах / Ю. Н. Адищев [и др.] // Письма в Журнал экспериментальной и теоретической физики : научно-теоретический журнал / Российская академия наук. — 2005. — Т. 81, вып. 6. — С. 305-308

  18. Diagnostics of Electron Beams Based on Cherenkov Radiation in an Optical Fiber / A. V. Vukolov [et al.] // Russian Physics Journal. — 2017. — Vol. 59, iss. 10. — [P. 1681-1685]. — URL:

  19. Observation of quasimonochromatic radiation in the vacuum ultraviolet region generated by 5.7-MeV electrons in a multilayer mirror / S. R. Uglov [et al.] // Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics Letters (JETP Letters) : Scientific Journal. — 2014. — Vol. 100, Iss. 8. — [P. 503-507]. — URL:

  20. Detection of parametric x-ray radiation from moderately relativistic protons in crystals / Yu. N. Adishchev [et al.] // Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics Letters (JETP Letters) : Scientific Journal. — 2005. — Vol. 81, Iss. 6. — [P. 241-244]. — URL:

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