Труды конференций (английский язык): - Tyuteva P.V. , Muravleva, O.O. Power characteristics of induction motors at core length changing / P.V. Tyuteva, O.O. Muravleva // Modern Techniques and Technologies : Proceedings of the 11th International scientific and practical conference of students, postgraduates and young scientist. – Tomsk: P.H.TPU, 2005. – Vol. 2. – P.91-92
- Tyuteva P.V. , Muravleva, O.O. Specificity of induction motors designing for energy saving / P.V. Tyuteva, O.O. Muravleva // Modern Techniques and Technologies : Proceedings of the 12th International scientific and practical conference of students, postgraduates and young scientist, March, 27-31 2006. – Tomsk: P.H.TPU, 2006. – Vol. 2. – P. 79-82.
- Tyuteva P.V. , Muravleva O.O. Research in pump units and pipeline characteristics at various ways of regulation / P.V. Tyuteva, O.O. Muravleva // Modern Techniques and Technologies : Proceedings of the 13th International scientific and practical conference of students, postgraduates and young scientist, March 26-30, 2007. – Tomsk: P.H.TPU, 2007. – P. 65-68.
- Tyuteva P.V. , Muravleva O.O. The peculiarities of mechanical characteristics of pump units as electric drive loading machines / P.V. Tyuteva, O.O. Muravleva // Modern Techniques and Technologies : Proceedings of the 14th International scientific and practical conference of students, postgraduates and young scientist, March 24-28, 2008. – Tomsk: P.H.TPU, 2008. – P. 63-66.
- Tyuteva P.V. , Muravleva O.O. Operation Features Of The Improved Induction Motors In The Variable Speed Of Pump Units / P.V. Tyuteva, O.O. Muravleva // IEEE EUROCON2009 : Proceedings of the International conference, May 18-24, 2009. – Saint-Petersburg, 2009. – P. 716-721.
- Tyuteva P.V. Cost efficiency of the improved induction motors at the change of motor speed / P.V. Tyuteva // Modern Techniques and Technologies : Proceedings of the 15th International scientific and practical conference of students, postgraduates and young scientist, May 4-8, 2009. – Tomsk: P.H.TPU, 2009. – P. 69-72.
- Tyuteva P.V. The optimization method at designing of energy efficient induction motors / P.V. Tyuteva // Modern Techniques and Technologies : Proceedings of the 15th International scientific and practical conference of students, postgraduates and young scientist, April 12-16, 2010. – Tomsk: P.H.TPU, 2010. – P. 36-38.
- Beyerleyn E. V. , Tyuteva P. V. Energy-saving technology for testing of traction induction motors [Electronic resorces] // Modern Technique and Technologies: Proceedings of the 17th International Scientific and Practical Conference of Students, Post-graduates and Young Scientists, Tomsk, April 18-22, 2011. - Tomsk: TPU Press, 2011 - p. 44-46 - 1 электрон.опт. диск (CD-ROM)