| Proficiency: Masters degree
Students will have the following knowledge of the basic production technology and becoming environmental problems. Basic knowledge about all types of wastes classification and its reducing methods.
1. Technology of basic production, chemical production, petroleum, oil and gas production, metallurgical production, fossil fuels production, industrial wastes classification.
2. Air pollution, industrial sources of air pollutants, methods air quality standards and ways of its achievement (gases purification methods).
3. Water pollution, industrial sources of water pollutants, methods of water purification, preliminary treatment, sedimentation, coagulation, neutralization, secondary treatment – aerated lagoons, trickling filters, tertiary treatment – ion-exchange, adsorption, chemical precipitation, electro dialysis, reverse osmosis.
4. Solid wastes, industrial sources of solid wastes, methods of solid wastes utilizing – recycling, composting, sanitary land filling, incineration, pyrolysis, bioconversion.