Троян Анна Алексеевна
Кандидат химических наук

Отделение химической инженерии, Доцент

Тел.: 8 (3822) 60-61-20
Вн. телефон: 1452
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Course Objectives

Forming depth knowledges of physical and chemical nature of energy and resource saving processes and subsequent analysis of the results.

Formation at students of scientific and engineering approach to the rational use of energy- and material resources, in chemical engineering, petrochemical and biotechnology.

Apply the theoretical and technological bases for the energy- and resource saving processes in the analysis and evaluation of the effectiveness of chemical-technological processes.

Problems of energy and resource saving technologies in the chemical, petrochemical, biotechnology.

Thermodynamic analysis of chemical-technological industries and chemical processes.

System analysis of the main methods of energy saving and resource saving technologies in the chemical, petrochemical and biotechnology.

The use of secondary energy resources in the chemical industry.

Power Technologies of large tonnage productions.

Labs (Seminars)

Comparative analysis of technological schemes.

Thermodynamic analysis and evaluation of the degree of perfection of chemical industries.

Calculation of the energy balance of flows of chemical production.

Analysis of the distillation or heat exchange process.

The thermodynamic analysis of the of fuel combustion.

Analysis of the pyrolysis process.