Mass media
Учебная работа
Дискретная математика
Теория автоматов
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Профессиональная подготовка на иностранном языке (модуль "Компиляторы")
System thinking
Профессиональная подготовка на иностранном языке (модуль "Алгоритмы и структуры данных")
История и методология прикладной математики и информатики
Университетские субботы 2021
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Буркатовская Юлия Борисовна
Учебная работа
> System thinking
Буркатовская Юлия Борисовна
Кандидат физико-математических наук
Отделение информационных технологий
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10 марта 2025 / Monday / Неделя четная
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Week 1
Week 1
System thinking: introduction
System thinking: an overview
Borneo cats story
Week 2.
How to spot a misleading graph
How to read and explain graphs and charts
How to describe graphic aids in the presentation
Words to talk about graphs
Week 3
How statisticscan be misleading
Misleading graphs real life examples
Casual loops diagram
Week 4.
Iceberg model
Iceberg model: business leadership
Iceberg model explanation
Week 5.Case-study
Week 5.Case-study
11 laws of system thinking and stakeholder engagement
Casual loop construction: the basics
Fine-tuning your CLD: part I
Fine-tuning your CLD: part II
In search of the perfect CLD variable
Online CLD tool: VisualParadigm
Free-download CLD tool: Vensim
Drawing CLD with Vensim
CLD example (in Russian)
Week 7.
System Dynamics: Fundamental Behavior Pattern (video)
Introduction to Stoct-And-Flow diagrams
Introduction to system dinamic
Week 8.
Tomas Pueyo. Coronavirus: Why You Must Act Now.
SIR model of epidemy (video)
Week 9.
SIR and SIRS models
Simulating of epidemy (video)
Coronavirus Epidemic Update 10: New Studies, Transmission, Spread from Wuhan, Prevention (2/4/2020)
Algebraic Model of Coronavirus Spread
Mathematical Modelling of Coronavirus spread
Spread of COVID-19. Modelling study.
GitHub.Open Source COVID-19 Russia model
ODS. Распространение сферического коня в вакууме по территории РФ
Week 10
System stakeholder analysis
Start stakeholder analysis
Week 11.
Stakeholder Register & Power Interest Grid
How To Visualize Stakeholder Analysis
How to create a stakeholder map with Smaply
Stakeholder Onion Diagram: A Practical Guide
Stakeholder Onion Diagram
Templates of Stakeholder Onion Diagram
Week 12
Mitchell-Angle-Wood model
Basic mistakes in stakeholders identification
https://blog.caMistakes all project managers make with their stakeholders
Three costly mistakes leaders make in stakeholder relations and how to avoid them
10 types of stakeholders
What is the difference between customers, users, and stakeholders?
10 mistakes which can ruin any project
Students, When Was An Entire Group Project Ruined By One Member? [AskReddit]
Students, When Was An Entire Group Project Ruined By One Member? [AskReddit]
Week 13.
The holon, a new way to look at hierarchies
Holons and Holarchy of Arthur Koestler
Holon and Holarchy
Holarchies for better understanding of universal design as a socially inclusive factor
Holacracy: A Radical New Approach to Management | Brian Robertson | TEDxGrandRapids
Text of Brian Robertson talk
"Holacracy" by Brian Robertson - BOOK SUMMARY
Week 14
System archetypes
Andrew Close. Systems Archetypes
"Positive" systems archetypes
Week 15.
A pocket guide to using the archetypes
Atructure-behavior pairs: a starting point fpr problem diagnosis
Archetype-behavior pairs
Applying Systems Archetypes
Applying Systems Archetypes (paper)
Supplementary Aid for Applying Systems Archetypes (Escalation Example)
Using CLD to make mental models explicit
Week 16.
The "thinking" in system hhinking: how can we make it easy to master
All methods are wrong. Some methods are useful.
Humans are Predictable (and that's an ethical issue)
Gordon Rupert Dickson. Soupstone.
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