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Отделение русского языка, Доцент

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Tatiana B. Frik graduated from Tomsk State University, Philology Faculty. In 2000 she began working as a Senior lecturer at the Department of Russian Language and Literature of the Institute of International Education and Language Communication of Tomsk Polytechnic University. In 2008 she was appointed to a post of an Assistant professor at the same department.

Tatiana B. Frik is currently assisting the Head of Department in organization of additional educational services for Russian and foreign students.

In June of 2006 she defended a Candidate’s dissertation “”Sovremennik” by A.S. Pushkin as a single text” written under the guidance of A.S. Yanushkevich, Doctor of Philological Sciences, Professor of the Department of Russian and Foreign Literature of Tomsk State University.

In 2011 Tatiana B. Frik was awarded an academic degree of Assistant Professor for the Department of Russian Language and Literature. She entered into the Honours Gallery of TPU in 2011.

Tatiana B. Frik is an author of 35 scientific and research papers (including 1 monograph and 6 papers in peer-review journals) and 7 student training manuals (including 1 electronic textbook).