Страшко Александр Николаевич
Кандидат технических наук

Отделение ядерно-топливного цикла, Доцент

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20 октября 2024 / Sunday / Неделя четная
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Educational program: 240 501 Chemical technology of modern energy materials
Qualifications: graduate
Discipline: Chemistry of uranium, thorium, plutonium
Chemistry of uranium, thorium and plutonium is the base for basic technological disciplines considering technology of modern power generation materials. Theoretical parts includes the knowledge about discover history, isotopic composition, application and different chemical properties. A laboratory practice includes a set of laboratory works about qualitative and quantitative determination of uranium and thorium and their properties.
Educational program: 14.03.02 Nuclear Physics and Technology
Qualifications: Bachelor
Discipline: Physical and chemical methods of analysis of nuclear materials
The problem of qualitative and quantitative determination of different radioactive materials is a very important problem of radioactive safety activities. This course is dedicated for destructive analysis methods of radioactive elements quality controlling. Those methods are: chemical analysis, instrumental analysis (spectrometry, luminescence, atomic emission etc.). There is different practical tasks at the practical course aimed on solving real cases.
Educational program: 240 501 Chemical technology of modern energy materials
Qualifications: graduate
Discipline: Analytical Methods of control in the production of modern energy materials
In the technology of rare and scattered elements, information about chemical composition of substances at all stages of their processing is necessary for establishing the optimal operational conditions of the involved processes. It ensures the quality of the obtained trade products, which is a subject to standards and technical conditions. In the theoretical part, the following topics are studied: basics of the process control organization; approbation of the materials; metrological processing of the analysis data; optical methods for analysis of rare elements (including spectrophotometry, nephelometry, turbidimetry, luminance analysis, emission spectral analysis and atomic absorption analysis); electrochemical analysis methods (potentiometry, voltammetry, coulometry and electrolytic methods). Laboratory courses include classes on molecular and atomic spectroscopy as well as the mentioned electrochemical methods.
Educational program: 240 501 Chemical technology of modern energy materials
Qualifications: graduate
Discipline: Electrochemical industry
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