I was born in the village of Sulzat of the Tomsk region in 1983. I graduated from school with a silver medal in 2000 and I came to Tomsk Polytechnical University on the Automation and Management direction. In 2004 the honors degree of TPU, the bachelor of equipment and technology in the Automation and Management direction is gained, in 2006 the honors degree of TPU, the master of equipment and technology in the Automation and Management direction, 2006 and an honors degree of Institute of engineering pedagogic of TPU, the teacher of the higher school, 2006 is gained. It was trained in postgraduate study in the specialty 05.13.01 "The system analysis, management and information processing", 2008-2012. From 2006 to 2012 – the assistant to "The Integrated Computer Control Systems" chair of TPU. 2012 – the senior teacher of "The Integrated Computer Control Systems" chair of TPU. In 2012 I defended the master's thesis in the Novosibirsk State Technical University on the subject "The modified method of determination of parameters of leaks in oil pipelines". Since 2013 – the associate professor "The integrated computer control systems" TPU. In October, 2015 it is appointed the chief of educational management of Institute of cybernetics of TPU.