- The Russian Foundation for Basic Research (RFBR) under the project number 11-06-90747-mob_st "The scientific work of Sorokin Alexander Nikolayevich of Tomsk State University, Tomsk, Novosibirsk State University, Novosibirsk, Russia. '' The scientific community of physicists in Siberia in the XX century: building, human and scientific potential interaction model'' under the direction of prof. SA Krasil'nikov".
- RFBR project number 12-06-90702-mob_st "The scientific work of Sorokin Alexander II of Tomsk State University, Tomsk, in the Kemerovo State University, Kemerovo. '' The integration of science, higher education and industry in Siberia during the second half of XX century. as a factor in the modernization of the economy'' under the direction of prof. KA Zabolotskaya".
- Russian Foundation for Humanities (RFH). Project number 08-03-6430a / T "Tomsk scientific community and the study of the productive forces of Siberia (80-ies. XIX century. - 30s. XX c.)".
- RFH. Project number 06-03-64302a / T "Tomsk scientific and educational complex and its contribution to the development of education, science and culture of Siberia: Past and Present (end of the XIX century. - beginning of XXI century.).
- RFH. Project number 10-03-67304a / T "Museums of Tomsk University, and their contribution to the study of Siberia and adjacent territories and the popularization of scientific knowledge (1870. - 1941)".
- Grant of the President of the Russian Federation for state support of young scientists and leading scientific schools of the Russian Federation on the project MK-1850.2010.6. "The teaching body of pre-revolutionary Russian universities 1884-1917 gg.".
- Grant of the Federal Target Program "," Research and scientific-pedagogical personnel of innovative Russia "na2009-2013" on the topic of the research project "The importance of research and education complex in Western Siberia late XIX - XX centuries in the middle of the modernization of Russian society".
- Travel-grant public charity competition for students and young teachers' academic mobility, held within the framework of the program unit "Science. Education. Enlightenment" Mikhail Prokhorov Foundation.