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I came to Yurga Institute of Technology, TPU Affiliate, in 2009, where I currently teach an English language course and the course of Business English.
In 2008, I graduated from Tomst State Pedagogical University in Linguistics and Intercultural Communication, Translation and Translation Studies.
After graduation I moved for one year to the college "Pierre de Nolhac" of Versailles, France, on a grant of the Ministry of National Education, Higher Education and Research of France. There I delivered a colloquial Russian language course to international students.
In February, 2015 I defended my thesis titled "A.P. Chekhov's Narrative "A Dreary Story" in French Reception" at National Research Tomsk State University. This work was carried out in Tomsk State Pedagogical University, at the department of Literature. My thesis deals with some problems of literary translation in general, and French interpretation of one of the most important Chekhov's narrativs written in his time of crisis in particular.