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  1. Solovenko, Igor. The coal industry of Russia in the conditions of world financial-economic crisis of 1998 and 2008. [Electronic resource] / JS Solovenko, VA Trifonov, VI Nagornov // Innovative Technology and Economics Engineering: Proceedings of the V International scientific-practical conference, Jurga, 22-23 May 2014 .in 2 m. / National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University (TPU), Yurginskij Institute of Technology (YUTI); ed. DA Chinahova. - 2014 - V. 2 - [S. 142-146]. - Title from title page. - Easy access from the Internet. - Adobe Reader. Mode of access:
  2. Solovenko, Igor. Kuzbass miners protest movement during the transition to a market economy (1992-1999 gg.) [Electronic resource]: monograph / JS Solovenko; National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University (TPU), Yurginskij Technological Institute (branch) (YUTI), Department of Economics and automation control systems (EASU); ed. VP Zinoviev. - 1 computer file (pdf; 3.2 MB). - Tomsk: Publishing House of the TPU, 2013 - Title from title screen. - The electronic version of the printed publication. - Access from the corporate network TPU. - System Requirements: Adobe Reader. Mode of access:
  3. Solovenko, Igor. The world economy and international economic relations [electronic resource]: a tutorial / JS Solovenko; National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University (TPU), Yurginskij Technological Institute (branch) (YUTI), Department of Economics and automation control systems (EASU). - 1 computer file (pdf; 1.1 MB). - Tomsk: Publishing House of the TPU, 2013 - Title from title screen. - The electronic version of the printed publication. - Access from the corporate network TPU. - System Requirements: Adobe Reader. Mode of access:
  4. Yesaulov, Vladimir. Hemp and flax - a promising and profitable business [electronic resource] / VN Yesaulov JS Solovenko // Innovative Technology and Economics Engineering: Proceedings of the IV International scientific and practical conference with members of the scientific school for young scientists, 23 -25 May 2013, Jürg / National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University (TPU), Yurginskij Institute of Technology (YUTI); ed. DA Chinahova. - Tomsk: Publishing House of the TPU, 2013. - [C. 421-425]. - Title from title page. - Easy access from the Internet. - Adobe Reader. Mode of access:

Список публикаций

Количество записей: 62

  1. Рожков, А. А. Формирование и трансформация институциональной системы регулирования структурных преобразований в угольной отрасли и на углепромышленных территориях России = Formation and transformation of the institutional system for the Russian coal industry and coal provinces structural transformations management / А. А. Рожков, И. С. Соловенко // Уголь. — 2018. — № 2 (1103). — [С. 40-47]. — URL:

  2. Всероссийские "рельсовые войны" шахтёров в мае 1998 года = All-Russian "rail wars" of miners in may 1998 / А. А. Рожков, И. С. Соловенко, В. И. Марчук, М. А. Суздалова // Уголь. — 2018. — № 4 (1105). — [С. 78-81]. — URL:

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