07 марта 2025 / Friday / Неделя нечетная
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Mechanics: Space and time. Kinematics of a material point. Galilean Transformations. Dynamics of a material point. Conservation laws. Fundamentals of the special relativity theory. Noninertial frame of reference. Kinematics of a perfectly rigid body. Dynamics of a perfectly rigid body. Oscillatory motion. Deformations and stresses in solids. Mechanics of liquids and gases. Waves in continuous media and elements of acoustics.

Molecular Physics: Ideal gas. Definition of the temperature. The velocity distribution of gas molecules. Ideal gas in an external potential field. Brownian motion. Thermodynamic approach to the description of molecular phenomena. First law of thermodynamics. Cyclic processes. Second law of thermodynamics. Definition of entropy in a thermodynamic system. Real gases and liquids. Surface phenomena in liquids. Solids. First and second order phase transitions. Transport phenomena.