Смекалина Татьяна Владимировна

Отделение экспериментальной физики, Старший преподаватель

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Physical education is an integral part in the training of specialists in all fields of knowledge, and physics is one of the main components of the foundation that is the basis for the further successful training of the future engineer in the technical university. An important factor of success in the learning process is the increased motivation for the learning and cognitive activity, which can be achieved using modern information technologies and multimedia, as well as the material prepared in such a way to direct the students to the future professional activity.
Smekalina Tatyana Vladimirovna took a very active part in the creation of the interactive teaching system that is currently used in the learning process at the Department of General Physics. The system is an electronic physics textbook combining the training and supervising functions. The classes include the information material, test tasks of different difficulty levels to test the knowledge retention, the examples of task solving, check tasks, informative and reference topics. This work repeatedly won prizes in the competition of TPU "Use of information technologies in educational process". Lectures are given using a Power Point system that allows us to use different computer presentations along with the traditional presentation of the material, which provides the perception of the material and expands illustrative possibilities. The transition to a multi-level system for the training of specialists led to the need to develop basic educational programs (BEP) for bachelors and masters degrees. The Department of GP PTI provides the training of students for bachelors and masters degrees in Physics. Smekalina Tatyana Vladimirovna is one of the BEP developers for the training of students for bachelors and masters degrees and takes responsibility for the preparation, publication and updating of the materials for the Fund of Educational Programs at the website of TPU. One of the TPU activities is the search, preparation and selection of talented youth. Earlier the Department of General Physics was a part of the Natural Sciences and Mathematics Faculty (NSMF) that became a basis for formation of the Natural Science School (NSS) carrying out the training of applicants (beginning with the 10th grade of a high school). The work in the NSS and the qualification team of TPU as an executive secretary of QT NSMF made it possible to attract many worthy and talented students to study at the Department of General Physics (or at other Departments of TPU). In addition, Smekalina Tatyana Vladimirovna currently performs a career-oriented work among graduates and prepares them to pass the Unified State Examination in Physics under the contracts of the Pre-University Training Center with high schools (Tomsk and Strezhevoy of the Tomsk region). Smekalina Tatyana Vladimirovna was awarded the diplomas for the conscientious work and great contribution to the development of TPU.
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