Шипилова Светлана Сергеевна
Кандидат физико-математических наук

Отделение русского языка, Доцент

Вн. телефон: 3409
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20 октября 2024 / Sunday / Неделя четная
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Abstract of the course "Mathematics"

The course "Mathematics" is part of the additional educational program which provides training of international citizens to the development of professional educational programs of engineering and technical directions in Russian.

Objectives of studying the course “Mathematics” are:
  1. to know mathematical terminology and lexical structures of Russian in Mathematics;
  2. to develop mathematical knowledge, skills and abilities in Russian which are necessary for studying in general programs of technical field at the University.
  3. to form ability of international listener to use basic theorems, concepts of elementary mathematics and their properties during studying professional and special courses as well as for the solution of professional tasks.
  4. to develop skills of international listener for self-studying in the field of mathematical and natural Sciences

Tasks of learning the course "Computer science" are:
  1. to prepare listeners for passing the entrance test on the course "Mathematics" in Russian;
  2. to repeat in Russian school mathematics;
  3. to form skills and abilities which are necessary for studying the courses “Higher Mathematics” of general educational programs in the University.

Planed results of learning the course are:
  1. to use terminology, vocabulary and structures that are typical for the language of mathematics in Russian;
  2. to represent the data of mathematical science in speech and writing forms in Russian and use them in the educational process of further training in the chosen direction;
  3. to apply the skills needed for the organization of scientific research in order to fulfill the experimental part of the work ;
  4. to do self- learning and continuously improve the level of knowledge during the entire period of study in higher education .