Шаненков Иван Игоревич
Кандидат технических наук

Отделение электроэнергетики и электротехники, Доцент

Тел.: 8 (38448) 3490
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The main scientific results are as follows:

publications in different journals (60), including those accredited by, Web of Science и Scopus. Hirsch index in 2017 according to Google academy = 6; Scopus = 4; WoS = 3; РИНЦ = 4

Ivan was repeatedly awarded with diplomas for the best presentations at Russian and international conferences. For example, the diploma of I degree at the International scientific conference of students and young scientists "Modern technique and technologies", diploma of the XI International scientific-practical conference "Linguistic and cultural traditions and innovations", the diploma of II degree of the XIII all-Russian scientific and technical seminar "Energy: efficiency, reliability, safety", diploma of the X all-Russian scientific-practical conference of students, postgraduates and young scientists "World culture and language: View of young researchers", second degree diploma of the conference "Mendeleev 2013" (Saint-Petersburg).

In the squad of research teams Ivan has won medals at international and all-Russian exhibitions such as "ITE Siberian fair" (silver medal), "Siberian Athens", and also received a gold medal at the XX International exhibition "High technologies. Innovation. Investment.".