Шаненков Иван Игоревич
Кандидат технических наук

Отделение электроэнергетики и электротехники, Доцент

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Individual homework No. 1
Tables for calculationsTables for calculations
Manual for Laboratory works
Power quality. TextbookPower quality. Textbook
Individual Homework No. 2, Part 1Individual Homework No. 2, Part 1
Scheme for homework No. 2
Individual Homework No. 2, Part 2Individual Homework No. 2, Part 2


1. Voltage balancing using a capacitor bank - 17.03.21
According to "Laboratory work № 1" of Manual for laboratory works.

For entrance test:
1) Voltage deviation: indeces, calculation, limits, physical explanation, causes of occurrence, consequences.
2) Voltage unbalance: indeces, calculation, limits, physical explanation, causes of occurrence, consequences.
3) The subject of laboratory work.

Task for Laboratory No. 1Task for Laboratory No. 1


2. Counter voltage regulation 31.03.21
According to "Laboratory work No. 2" of the manual for laboratory works.

For admission:
1) Voltage deviation: calculation, rationing, physical explanation, causes of occurrence, consequences.
2) The concept of counter voltage regulation. Methods of counter voltage regulation.
3) The subject of laboratory work.


3. Voltage regulation by the longitudinal compensation using a capacitor bank - 28.04.21
According to "Laboratory work No. 3" of Manual for laboratory works.

For entrance test:
1) Voltage unbalance: indeces, calculation, limits, physical explanation, causes of occurrence, consequences.
2) Voltage non-sinusoidality: indeces, calculation, limits, physical explanation, causes of occurrence, consequences.
3) The subject of laboratory work.


4. Higher harmonic currents compensation by harmonic filter - 12.05.21
According to "Laboratory work No. 4" of Manual for laboratory works.

For entrance test:
1) Voltage unbalance: indeces, calculation, limits, physical explanation, causes of occurrence, consequences.
2) Voltage non-sinusoidality: indeces, calculation, limits, physical explanation, causes of occurrence, consequences.
3) The subject of laboratory work.

Items for defending lab 1 and lab 2
Tomsk Polytechnic University
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