Селевич Ольга Семеновна
Кандидат экономических наук

Отделение экономики и организации производства, Доцент

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03 января 2025 / Friday / Неделя четная
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Department of Economics

The Department of Economics with a 110-year history is the part of The Institute Of Humanities, Social Sciences & Technologies. Economic Theory and Economics have been taught in TPU since 1904. The head of our Department is Prof. Barysheva. There are 58 teaching staff members, including 3 professors and 32 associate professors.

Full-time and part-time students are studying at our Department. Postgraduate courses include Economic Theory. Masters' degree seekers take part in research developments, economic contracts, work on probations at prestigious American and European educational institutions.

The Department consists of the educational centre, which includes three well-equipped computer class-rooms and a methodological room with scientific, teaching and learning literature and periodicals. Two class-rooms are equipped with multimedia projectors. Economical students are offered both full-time and part-time education and professional retraining in National Economics, Accounting and Analysis and Audit.

We offer continuing education for first and second education in National Economy and Accounting, Analysis and Audit. Also, professional retraining in Accounting, Analysis and Audit; National Economy; Management of Hi-tech Innovations are available as well as professional advancement courses for enterprises and organizations of Tomsk and region.

Master’s training activity provides and implements practice knowledge that allows  organizations and enterprises to manage business in a dynamic market economy, regulate and predict the development of economic structures, as well as cost-justify, develop, implement innovative processes and manage them.

Postgraduate and master’s training at the Department of Economics offer a unique opportunity to engage in research in the International Scientific and Educational laboratory of technologies for improving the well-being of older people, established at TPU, the Department of Economics in the framework of a research project "Assessment of social, economic and emotional well-being."

Scientific director of ISEL is prof. Fabio Casati, University of Trento.

The aim of the laboratory is to define the methods and technologies, leading to lifelong well-being of older people and their families. The official language of lab is English.