Серебренникова Анна Николаевна
Кандидат филологических наук

Отделение русского языка, Доцент

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Anna N. Serebrennikova graduated from Tomsk State University, Philology Department. Since 2004 she has been working at the Institute of International Education and Language Communication of Tomsk Polytechnic University. In September of 2008 Anna N. Serebrennikova was appointed to a post of an Assistant professor at the same department.

During 2005-2007 Anna N. Serebrennikova assisted the Head of the Department in organization of additional educational services for Russian and foreign students.

In 2009-2012 she was in charge of students scientific and research work organisation. In 2013 Anna N. Serebrennikova became an assistant of the Head of Department for methodic work.

In February of 2005 she defended a dissertation to obtain the academic degree of Candidate of Philological Sciences.