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23 февраля 2025 / Sunday / Неделя четная
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Shatohina Anastasia Olegovna (postgraduate student of the Department of the Russian language as a foreign language, the second year of study). The subject of the research: “Reception of the novel “Gambler” of F.M. Dostoyevsky in the English culture”

Bulgakova Natalia Olegovna (postgraduate student of the Department of the Russian language as a foreign language, the first year of study). The subject of the research: “Reception of the novel “Devils” of F.M. Dostoyevsky in the French culture”

Government grants
  • 2016 – Bulgakova N.O., grant “Academic mobility” of Mikhail Prokhorov Foundation for work in the the National Library of Russia (NLR) in Saint Petersburg, 11-25 May 2016
  • 2016 – Bulgakova N.O. French Government Scholarship for a scientific internship in the Paris West University Nanterre La Défense, April,4-May,4 2016. Scholarship 1704 EUR
  • 2013 – Shatohina A.O. grant “Academic mobility” of Mikhail Prokhorov Foundation for work in the National Library of Russia (NLR) in Saint Petersburg and for participation as an observer in the XV Symposium of the International Dostoevsky Society, 8-14 July, 2013
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