1. Informative parameters of electromagnetic systems of radio wave control Lecture 1: Information of radio wave (RVK) control. Physical bases and technical means of RV methods of measurements and control. Informative parameters of the RVK systems - 2 hours Lecture 2:Distribution radio waves in free space and in various environments. Features of radio wave control-2 hours 2. Methods and means of radio wave control. Lecture 3: Methods of control with use of the RVK main methods-2 hours Laboratory work 1. Research of the open resonator as sensor of system of radio wave control - 2 hours Laboratory work 2. Determination of parameters of dielectric materials by means of the resonator opened by the microwave oven - 2 hours 3. The tasks of the non-destructive testing solved by a radio wave control method. Lecture 4. The modern means realizing the main methods Radio wave kontrol.Control devices of a tolshchinometriya. Measurement of physical properties of materials and products - 2 hours Laboratory work 3. Measurement of frequency in radio wave control - 2 hours Laboratory work 4. Measurement of power in radio wave control - 2 hours Laboratory work 5. Determination of location of hydrate traffic jams in gas pipelines - 2 hours Laboratory work 6. Radio wave defectoscopy gazo-and products pipelines - 2 hours back