V. G. Rotar was born on February 3, 1948 in the village of Kishkareny, Lazovsky district, Moldova. He came from the family of rural employees: his mother was a primary school teacher; his father was a mechanic and brigade leader on a collective farm. According to the Komsomol permit , in 1954 the family moved to Kazakhstan ( Arykbalyk, Kokshetau oblast ) to take part in the virgin lands campaign. In 1955 he went to school .He began to work when he was a schoolboy. During his summer holidays he worked in a forest nursery, a road maintenance service, a brick factory. From the eighth till the eleventh grade he was a mechanic in a student's agricultural team of Arykbalyksky collective farm. In 1966 he graduated with honors from a secondary school and entered Tomsk Polytechnic Institute. His further career is connected with Tomsk and Tomsk Polytechnic Univrsity.