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Rubanowa Elena V., date of birth: 01.06.1971, place of birth: Rostov-on- Don, time in employment: 18 years. 1990-1996 – the tutor of children's home №2 in Tomsk. 1986-1990 – studied in pedagogical College №2. 1996-2000 – study in Tomsk state pedagogical University. 1996-2000 – librarian NTBs TPU. 2000-2004 – correspondence post-graduate student of TSU. 2001-2003 – assistant Professor of philosophy TPU. 2004 – senior lecturer of the Department of philosophy TPU. 2004 – defended candidate dissertation. 2004-2015 – Professor of philosophy TPU. 2015 – present associate Professor in the Department IFNT TPU.