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Rozhkova Svetlana Vladimirovna - Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Director of AEER Tomsk Branch, Professor of National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University.

Svetlana Rozhkova graduated Tomsk State University in 1993 with mathematic specialist degree with honors on “Applied Mathematics”.
From 1993 until present time she has been working at Advanced Mathematics Department of Tomsk Polytechnic University (TPU) –
        from 1993 to 1996 as an engineer,
        from 1996 to 1997 as assistant lecturer,
        from 1997 to 1999 as senior lecturer,
        from 1999 to 2005 as associate professor,
        starting from 2005 as professor.
2007-2009 – Director of International Education Centre of TPU Academicс Affairs Division.
1993-1996 – Tomsk State University (TSU) postgraduate fellowship, scientific advisor – TSU Professor V.V. Poddubnyi.
Thesis subject: Research of two-point boundary value problems of restrictive process optimization
Specialty: “Application of computing technology, mathematic simulation and mathematical methods in scientific research”
Year of graduation: 1996

2001-2004 – TPU doctoral fellowship, scientific advisor – TSU Professor N.S. Dyomin.
Thesis subject: Estimation, recognition and transfer of information in stochastic systems in case of aggregation of continuous and discrete memory observation
Specialty: “System analyses, operation and processing of information”
Year of graduation: 2004

Svetlana Rozhkova is an author and co-author of 150 scientific efforts including 3 monographs and 10 textbooks.
She is an honoree of Tomsk Regional Award in Science and Education, holder of a Tomsk Duma Certificate of Merit.
S. Rozhkova is continuously improving her professional level; she has advanced her proficiency by participating in following qualification courses:
  • “Competency-building approach for curriculum design”, Teachers’ Career Development Center, TPU, Tomsk
  • “Instruments for academic mobility quality assurance”, Higher School of Economics, Moscow
  • “Problem-oriented and project-based learning”, Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands, etc.

Svetlana Rozhkova holds the ING – PAED – IGIP title.
From 2010 she works as Tomsk Branch Director of Association for Engineering Education of Russia.
2011 © Томский политехнический университет
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