Ротарь Ольга Васильевна
Кандидат химических наук

Отделение химической инженерии, Доцент

Тел.: 8 (3822) 60-61-20
Вн. телефон: 1452
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01 сентября 2024 / Sunday
Time tableРасписание
    Date of Birth / Labor way     
    Awards and Prizes     

(Date of Birth: August .4 1947 in Kazakhstan. Education: School graduated in 1965 with a gold medal. She worked as a primary school teacher. She graduated from the Tomsk Polytechnic Institute in 1972 on specialty "Technology of basic organic synthesis". Degree: Degree - Ph.D., Senior Research Associate

Labor way: • Junior researcher Problem Start Research Laboratory synthesis of polymers of the Tomsk Polytechnic Institute with 10.09.1974g., • Senior Researcher of the Tomsk Polytechnic Institute since 1984., • Associate Professor of Technology main orgaenicheskogo synthesis of Tomsk Polytechnic University in June 1999. • Head of the Department of Natural eduyuschaya disciplines municipal institutions of additional education "Career Planning" children since 1997. Additional responsibilities: Deputy Head of Department for Quality Management System 1.5 hours per week, which is responsible for the new set - 0.5 hours per week at no extra charge...

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