Romaniuk Vera B. is a member of the Chamber of Professional Accountants of the RK; Certified accountant - practitioner of the International Council of Certified Accountants and Auditors (MSSBA). As a result of training she was awarded the following certificates (for the last 7 years): - Managerial Accounting, at Resource accounting and audit center, Karaganda, 2002;
- International Financial Reporting Standards, at Kostanai Institute of Professional Accountants and Auditors, 2003;
- Certified Accountant, International Council of Certified Accountants and Auditors, 2004;
- Audit at the Institute of Professional Accountants and Auditors of Kostanai, 2004;
- 1C Accounting Version 8.0, 2006;
- Chief Accountant at Chief Accountant holding;
- Electronic educational courses: the creation and use in the classroom, 2010;
- SAP ERP, 2011.
Romaniuk Vera B. is a tutor of 2E2A group. She completed program of the seminar ;The role of the curator in the organization of educational work in a technical college;.