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1986 - 1988


Laboratory simulation UNPK "Cybernetics" TPI, Tomsk, Russia
Junior researcher.

·         Research use digital filters to extract stable attributes of Russian speech, is not dependent on the speaker's voice.

1989 - 2005


UVD Tomsk region, the expert management.

·         Programmer.

2005 - 2008


TPU laboratory computer networking training.

·         Programmer;

·         Developments in the field of portal technologies;

·         Development of e-learning courses;

·         The design of e-learning courses.

2008 - present


TPU InEO, Head of AIC.

·         Organization of the tasks provided for the division of thematically department, and determine the prospects of development of the respective areas of expertise.

·         Development of projects of perspective and annual work plans of divisions and submit them to the Director TSPTOEO.

·         Guide the development of technical specifications, guidelines and work programs, proposals for the development of e-learning and other planning documents and instructional materials.

·         Identify the need for division in the equipment, materials and other resources needed to solve problems, to take measures to ensure the division of these resources, safety equipment, and their rational use.

·         Consultancy in the field of learning management systems and portal platforms.




July 1982


Secondary school number 32, Tomsk, Russia

1982 - 1987


Computers, AVTF, TPI, Tomsk, Russia.
Higher education, engineer - system analyst.

Other Skills





Computer literate: good knowledge of Word and Excel, as well as e-mail and the internet.
Oracle AS Portal 10 g, control tuning, administration - level 2,
Good knowledge of graphic and video editors, basic Adobe PhotoShop, Adobe Premiere and others.
Knowledge of foreign languages ​​- English, technical texts with a dictionary.

Personal Details



Date of Birth Nationality
Work status


September 26, 1965

Business visa
Computer design, analysis, football, fishing, billiards.

The snake that was born under the sign of Libra.

p>Complex, poorly indecipherable. People born in the Year of the Snake may be the greatest thinkers and systems analysts. They are great workers.
Do not seek to expand the scope of its movable and immovable property can be satisfied modest needs in everyday life.

Love solitude, reading, nature, lazy over time.
They rarely take hasty decisions, like all weigh and calculate.

Silent, serious, intelligent and wise, but happy to socialize with interesting and useful for their people. In a business partnership communication can be difficult because of the apparent inhibition Serpent in addressing urgent issues.

They can not refuse in diplomacy and the ability to conduct any business. They are pedantic, conservative and stubborn. They have well-developed intuition, which is supported by extensive knowledge and thoroughness in their work.

Snakes have all laid out on shelves; with regard to finances - they are able to save considerable sums, leading an ascetic life and economy.

In love thoroughly as in everything else. In choosing a partner is extremely selective. Able to lift a partner on a pedestal and worship him for many years.
Not prone to easy adultery, and if fall in love, it seriously and permanently.

Can tenderly care for, to make compliments, pay particular attention to the opposite sex. They are generous with respect to the subject matter of passion. In matters of love can abandon logic in favor of feelings and natural reactions. Here, they do not hesitate to call are given instinct and flesh.
Several jealous, not giving this weakness. If give vent to their fantasies about the different partners in the rough humiliating manner, to part with them in 99 cases.


Leading the planet - Venus and Chiron

Color - green

Time Scales - from 23 September to 23 October. Sign character - two scales, which means that the pursuit of stability, harmony and understanding of the supreme law of the universe, objective judgment. Libra - the sign of refined politeness, delicacy and love of beauty.

POGODAVTOMSKE.RU - сайт о погоде в г. Томске

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