20 октября 2024 / Sunday / Неделя четная
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According to the university order, since 11.04.2022 my lessons are held strictly offline, except for the two cases:
1. If student is marked in online journal for distance learning by students' affairs center. If that's the case with you, please notify me by e-mail (rewenger@tpu.ru) or any other method available to you. You can either warn me that you're going to attend the lesson online or ask me to launch the web conference (during the lesson). The link to the web conference is provided below.
2. During consultations for academic debts (I still hold them online).
Consultations are held at Mondays at 16:30 (Tomsk local time, GMT+7). Attention: please notify me by e-mail _in the day of consultation_ that you're going to attend and what is the purpose of your visit. If no one is going to attend, I may start the meeting for 15 minutes and go on my business.
In any case, check the online meeting here, at this webpage. If something happens and I have to change link, the change will be reflected here. Additionally, you can talk with me to adjust the date or time of the consultation if it's possible - but do this over e-mail.