Разжувалов Александр Николаевич
Кандидат физико-математических наук

Отделение экспериментальной физики, Доцент
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11 февраля 2025 / Tuesday / Неделя четная
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Electron tunneling through the GaN/Ga1–xAlxN(0001) wurtzite strained structures is investigated by the pseudopotential and scattering matrix methods.


It is shown that the results of multiband calculations at low aluminum concentrations (x < 0.3) are adequately described within the single-valley model in the envelope wave function method accounting for the dependences of the effective mass on the energy and strain. Upon electron tunneling through two-barrier structures, sharp resonance peaks are observed at a barrier thickness of several monolayers and the characteristic collision time in the resonance region is equal to ~1 ps. The internal electric fields associated with spontaneous and piezoelectric polarizations lead to a “red” or “blue” shift in the resonance energy according to the thickness and location of barriers with respect to the polar axis. In the (GaN)n(Ga1–xAlxN)m superlattices, the internal fields can form the Stark ladder of electronic states at a small number of ultrathin layers even in the absence of external fields.

It is shown that in RTD GaN/AlGaN(0001) the internal fields manifest themselves in the asymmetry of the tunneling current via the value of the electronic charge in the quantum well. This charge is larger when the internal and external fields in the well compensate each other, resulting in smaller shifts of potential and resonance levels in the active region with voltage, in the higher resistance of the structure, and in the linear current– voltage dependence within a wide range of voltages. When the internal and external fields are the same, the current exhibits a sharp negative-differential-conductivity structure.

It is shown that wide hysteresis loop could arise in w-GaN/AlGaN(0001) double-barrier structures. The hysteresis loop depends on the mutual orientation of external and internal fields in the well and is wider at the voltage polarity when these fields compensate each other. It is established that the hysteresis loop can be relatively wide (~4 V) even in geometrically symmetric structures with the participation of two resonances. 

2011 © Томский политехнический университет
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