Каталевская Александра Владимировна

Отделение электроэнергетики и электротехники, Старший преподаватель

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11 февраля 2025 / Tuesday / Неделя четная
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Annotation of Discipline “ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING and INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS” for Direction of Chemical Engineering In conditions of practice a specialist of chemical engineering will solve the problems connected with an organization of production and technological process design, operation and modernization of the special equipment, where the electrical devices and installations, providing an electric drive of different mechanisms, management, regulation and process control are widely used. Therefore, an expert in the field of chemical engineering should have a certain level of electrical knowledge, allowing him to image clear enough the physical processes occurring in electric and magnetic circuits, to understand the purpose, the functions and capabilities of electrical equipment, to know the properties of electric measuring devices, in addition, to be able to understand electrical circuits in the instructions and technical passports. Aim of Discipline is theoretical and practical training of students for a calculation of simple electric circuits, a selection of electrical and electronic equipment for the technological process.
Theoretical Foundations of Electrical Engineering
Theoretical Foundations of Electrical Engineering Purpose of discipline is a creation of knowledge about the laws and methods of analysis of the electrical circuits of electrical equipment and power systems, of skills of calculation and analysis the parameters of current and voltage in steady-state and transient modes for linear and nonlinear equivalent circuits of electric networks. Contents of discipline are the parameters of electrical circuits, elements of equivalent circuits of electrical networks, the laws of electric circuits, methods of analysis of electrical circuits under steady-state and transient conditions.