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06 октября 2024 / Sunday / Неделя четная
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Дистанционная форма обучения в ТПУ
Переход на дистанционную форму обучения
Инструкции по работе с информационными системами
Водород и новые источники энергии и Исландия. Россия – соседи на севере – проблемы и возможности.
Электронные курсы
From Atoms to Stars
How Physics Explains Our World. Explore the universe through physics from the smallest micro particle to the vastness of galaxies.  
Nuclear Reactor Physics Basics
Makes familiar with nuclear reactor physics and understand what happens in the nuclear reactor core.  
Understanding Nuclear Energy
Provides an opportunity to Learn the science and technology behind nuclear energy and the special features of this energy source  
Nuclear Energy: Science, Systems and Society
Provides an opportunity to learn how a nuclear reactor works, what the future of nuclear fusion looks like, and the numerous useful applications of nuclear radiation in four easy-to-follow modules, complemented with a chance to explore background radiation in your backyard  
The Threat of Nuclear Terrorism
Former Secretary of Defense William J. Perry and a team of international experts explore what can be done about the threat of nuclear terrorism in this free course, for which you can earn a signed Statement of Accomplishment. This is a self-paced version of the original course which ran in Fall 2017.  
Energy Principles and Renewable Energy
Plasma Physics: Applications
Plasmonics: From Fundamentals to Modern Applications
Plasma Physics: Introduction
Дистанционная форма обучения в ТПУ
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