Панин Алексей Викторович
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Отделение экспериментальной физики, Профессор
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Наиболее значимые публикации Панина А.В.:
Dmitriev A.I., Nikonov A.Yu., Shugurov A.R., Panin A.V. Numerical study of atomic scale deformation mechanisms of polycrystalline titanium subjected to scratch testing // Applied Surface Science.- 2019.- v. 471.- P, 318-327 327
E.A. Sinyakova, A.V. Panin, O.B. Perevalova, A.R. Shugurov, M.P. Kalashnikov, А. D. Teresov. The effect of phase transformations on the elastic recovery of pulsed electron beam irradiated Ti-6Al-4V titanium alloy during scratching // Journal of Alloys and
Journal of Alloys and Compounds.- 2019.- v. 795.- P. 275-283
Materials Science and Engineering: A. – 2017. – V. 697. – P. 248-258
Panin V.E., Egorushkin V.E., Elsukova T.F., Surikova N.S., Pochivalov Y.I., Panin A.V. (2018) Multiscale Translation-Rotation Plastic Flow in Polycrystals //
In: Schmauder S., Chen CS., Chawla K., Chawla N., Chen W., Kagawa Y. (eds) Handbook of Mechanics of Materials. Springer, Singapore
Natalia Pushilina. Alexey Panin, Maxim Syrtanov et al. Hydrogen-Induced Phase Transformation and Microstructure Evolution for Ti-6Al-4V Parts Produced by Electron Beam Melting //
Metals. - 2018. - 8. - 301
Artur Shugurov, Alexey Panin, Andrey I. Dmitriev, Anton Nikonov. The effect of crystallographic grain orientation of polycrystalline Ti on ploughing under scratch testing //
Wear.- 2018.- Vol. 408-409.- P. 214-221
20. A.V. Panin, M. S. Kazachenok, A. I. Kozelskaya, et al. The effect of ultrasonic impact treatment on the deformation behavior of commercially pure titanium under uniaxial tension //
Materials and Design.- 2017.- vol. 117.- P. 371-381.
Morphological changes of the red blood cells treated with metal oxide nanoparticles //
Toxicology in Vitro 37 (2016) 34-40.
A.V. Panin, M.S. Kazachenok, A.I. Kozelskaya, R. R. Hairullin, E.A. Sinyakova. Mechanisms of surface roughening of commercial purity titanium during ultrasonic impact
treatment // Mater. Sci. Eng, A.- 2015.-- V. 647,- P. 43-50.
A.R. Shugurov, A.I. Kozelskaya, A.V. Panin. Wrinkling of the metal/polymer bilayer: the effect of periodical distribution of stresses and strains
// RSC Adv. – 2014. – № 4(15). – P. 7389 – 7395.
Alexey V. Panin, Marina S. Kazachenok, Oksana M. Kretova, et. al. The effect of electron beam treatment on hydrogen sorption ability of commercially pure titanium //
Applied Surface Science. – 2013. – № 284. – P. 750– 756.
A.V. Panin, V.M. Chernov, М.V. Leontieva-Smirnova, Е.А. Melnikova. Strengthening of the RAFMS RUSFER-EK181 Through Nanostructuring Surface Layers //
Journal of Nuclear Materials. – 2009. – vol. 386-388. – pp. 466-470.
Panin A., Panina A., Ivanov Yu. Deformation macrolocalisation and fracture in ultrafine-grained armco iron //
Materials Science & Engineering A.– 2008. – vol. 486. – pp. 267-272.
A.V. Panin, V.A. Klimenov, Yu.I. Pochivalov, A.A. Son, M.S. Kazachenok. The effect of ultrasonic treatment on mechanical behavior of titanium and steel specimens //
Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics 41, 1-3 (2004), p. 163-172.
Alexey Panin, Arthur Shugurov, Juergen Schreiber. Fractal analysis of electromigration-induced changes of surface topography in Au conductor lines //
Surface Science. – 2003. – Vol.524. – Iss. 1-3. – pp. 191 – 198.
V.I.Gaman, V.M.Kalygina and A.V.Panin Effect of chalcogenide elements on electrical characteristics of GaAs MIS structures //
Solid State Electronics. 43 (3). – 1999. – P. 583-588.
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