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18 февраля 2025 / Tuesday / Неделя нечетная
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  1. Kuchurin, E.S., Bakaev, E.V., Nuriev, I.S., Osipov, S.P. Study the prospects of application of multi–channel radiometric ore rapid analysis of complex composition // VNIIGIS, Oktyabrsky, dep. in VINITI 05.01.87. – 1987. – № 32–В–87. – 14 p.
  2. Koval', V.D., Nedavnii, O.I., Osipov, S.P. The influence of physical factors on the performance of the control radiometric multichannel flaw // Modern problems of building science. Materials for the scientific and technical conference. – M .: 1993.
  3. Nedavnii, O.I., Kuleshov, V.K., Osipov, O.S., Osipov, S.P. The concept of software–based complex for monitoring and diagnostics spaces with limited access // Scientific session of the MIFI 2003. II Scientific and Technical Conference "Scientific innovation cooperation" Collection of scientific works. In two parts. Ch 1 M .: MIFI 2003.
  4. Nedavnii, O.I., Osipov, S.P. Estimation algorithm of reinforcement corrosion damage in reinforced concrete products // Non–Destructive Testing and Technical Diagnostics in Industry: Proc. rep. 3rd Intern. exhibitions and conferences. – M .: ITC, 2004.
  5. Nedavnii, O.I., Osipov, S.P. Features of the inspection control masking packings //Non–Destructive Testing and Technical Diagnostics in Industry: Proc. rep. 3rd Intern. exhibitions and conferences. – M .: ITC, 2004.
  6. Nedavnii, O.I., Osipov, S.P., Sidulenko, O.A. Estimation the performance of the inspection control of large objects // Non–Destructive Testing and Technical Diagnostics in Industry: Proc. rep. 3rd Intern. exhibitions and conferences. – M .: ITC, 2004.
  7. Nedavnii, I.O., Osipov, S.P. Automation of production processes bituminous mixtures using the information on the statistical properties of grain composites // Modeling of technological processes in industry and education: Proceedings of the MADI – GTU. – Moscow, 2004.
  8. Vorob'yov, V.A., Nedavnii, I.O., Osipov, S.P. The use of radiation techniques for providing information for the automation of processes of preparation of sand and bituminous mixtures // Modeling of technological processes in industry and education: Proceedings of the MADI – GTU. – Moscow, 2004
  9. Sidulenko, O.A., Kas'yanov, V.A., Kas'yanov, S.V., Osipov, S.P. Selection and evaluation of the parameters of the inspection system control of large objects // Materials XVII of the Russian Scientific and Technical. Conf. "Nondestructive testing and diagnostics." Ekaterinburg IMASH UB RAS, 2005. Electron. optical instruments. drive. Article number D 133.
  10. Polishuk, A.I., Petukhov, A.A., Shalginov, R.V., Osipov, S.P. Solution of the problem of expanding cavity in the ground for calculating the injection piles // Proc. rep. 62nd scientific and engineering. Conf. / Novosibirsk State. arh.–p–th University (Sibstrin). – Novosibirsk, 2005.
  11. Kirillov, F.F., Osipov, S.P. Coupling equation of radial density distributions and movements in the problems of symmetric effects on groundwater protection// Materials Internat. Scientific and Technical. Conference "Interstroymeh" / Ed. EM Kudryavtseva. – M .: MGSU, 2006.
  12. Kirillov, F.F., Osipov, S.P. Calculation of mass, volume and shape of the zone limit compaction when exposed to the working body on a dirt digger environment // Science and Technology. 2. T. Proceedings of the XXVI Russian school. – M .: Russian Academy of Sciences, 2006.
  13. Kirillov, F.F., Osipov, S.P. A modified model of the process of deterioration cutters earthmoving machines // Materials Internat. Scientific and Technical. Conference "Interstroymeh" / Ed. EM Kudryavtseva. – Samara .: SGASU 2007.
  14. Kirillov, F.F., Osipov, S.P. Three–dimensional simulation model of abrasion cutters earthmoving machines //Machines, technologies and processes in the construction of: Proceedings of the International Congress on the 45th anniversary of the faculty "Transport and technological machines" on December 6–7, 2007 – Omsk: SibADI 2007.
  15. Podshivalov, I.I., Manankov, A.V., Osipov, S.P. The interaction of natural and anthropogenic factors in urban development in Tomsk // Kuczynski reading. Proceedings of the Jubilee Scientific. Conf., dedicated to the 120th anniversary of the birth of prof. MI Kuchina. Tomsk Univ Trace 2007.
  16. Kirillov, F.F., Osipov, S.P. The main scenarios abrasion cutters earthmoving machines // Highways and transport technology: problems and prospects: Sat. scientific. Proceedings of the Third Intern. scientific and practical. Conf. h. I (Almaty, 30–31 October. 2008. year). – Almaty: Publishing House of Khazad them. LB Goncharov. – 2008.
  17. Polishuk, A.I., Shalginov, R.V., Р.В., Osipov, S.P. Accounting zone limit compaction in the calculation of injection piles in weak clay soils //II All–Russian Conference "Actual problems of the construction industry ': abstracts. – Novosibirsk: NSABU (Sibstrin), 2009.
  18. Kirillov, F.F., Osipov, S.P., Бида, К.Б., Sokolova, E.A. Generalized mathematical model of temporal distribution of traction road milling machines // XIV International scientific and practical conference "Modern technologies in mechanical engineering": a collection of articles. – Penza: Volga House of Knowledge, 2010.
  19. Ananin, V.G., Dombrovskiy, V.V., Osipov, S.P., Kovalev, A.A. Constructive solutions to reduce the phenomenon premolding crushed material cone crushers // Proceedings of the International Scientific and Technical Conference "Interstroymeh–2011" / Ed. IS Sazonov. – Mogilev: Belarusians. – University of Russia, 2011.
  20. Osipov, S.P., Anpilogov, P.V. System for studying the process of developing strong environments trenchers continuous combined working body //Proceedings of the International Scientific and Technical Conference "Interstroymeh–2011" / Ed. IS Sazonov. – Mogilev: Belarusians. – University of Russia, 2011.
  21. Osipov, S.P. , Popov, M.Yu., Fedyaev, R.V. Experimental study of the elevator landing at catcher smooth braking // Interstroymeh 2012: Materials of International. scientific and engineering. Conference, 2–4 October, Izhevsk, 2012.
  22. Klimenov, V.A., Alchimov, Ju.V., Stein, A.M., Kasyanov, S.V., Babikov, S.A., Batranin, A.V., Osipov, S.P. Application and development of digital radiography for technical diagnostics, non–destructive testing and inspection // Innovations in non–destructive testing Sib Test: collection of scientific papers II Russian with international participation scientific and practical conference on Innovations in non–destructive testing. Tomsk: Publishing House of Tomsk Polytechnic University, 2013.
  23. Osipov, S.P. , Popov, M.Yu., Fedyaev, R.V. The experimental data on the process of landing lift catcher smooth braking // Innovations in science – Innovation in Education: Interstroymeh 2013: Materials of International. scientific and engineering. Conference, October 1–3, Novocherkassk: SRSTU (NPI), 2012.
  24. Chakhlov, S.V. , Osipov, S.P. , Klimenov, V.A., Temnik, A.K., Tonkoglaz, V.F. , Sun X., Hu X., Li S. Identification of the substance of control objects vysoenergeticheskim by dual–energy. Algorithms and experiment. // XX All–Russian Scientific Conference on Non–Destructive Testing and Technical Diagnostics: conference papers, Moscow, March 3–6, 2014 – Moscow: Izd. House "Spectrum", 2014.
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