Осипов Сергей Павлович
Кандидат технических наук

Российско-китайская научная лаборатория радиационного контроля и досмотра, Ведущий научный сотрудник

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17 июля 2024 / Wednesday / Неделя нечетная
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Date of birth:


  • October 2002 - defense of the thesis of the candidate of technical sciences, specialty 05.13.01 – System analysis, management and information processing;

    diploma KT № 086421 PhD dissertation: "Information processing at the transmission radiation monitoring of composite materials and products"

  • 1975 –1980, TSU, Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics, specialty – mathematics, qualification – mathematician.
Work experience:
  • October 1980 – July 1985, the Research Institute of TPI electronic introscopy, junior researcher;

  • August 1985 – October 1986 VNIIGIS laboratory nuclear physics research, junior researcher;

  • November 1986 – June 1992 Research Institute introscopy TPI, department № 8, researcher, senior researcher;

  • June 1992 – May 1997, the Research Institute of Building Materials at TISI (TGASA), department № 6, a senior researcher;

  • January 2001 – December 2005, the Department of grounds, foundations and testing constructions TSUAB, research sector TSUAB, senior researcher;

  • February 2006 – June 2014, Department of building and road machines TSUAB, associate professor;

  • July 2014 – October 2014, TPU, Institute of NDT, laboratory № 40 (technical tomography and introscopy), chief engineer;

  • October 2014 – present, TPU, Institute of NDT, laboratory № 40 (technical tomography and introscopy), a leading researcher.
Professional skills:
  • Foreign Language: German with a dictionary;

  • programming languages: FORTRAN;

  • system for mathematical calculations: MathCad;

  • Office applications: Word, Excel.
Scientific interests
  • statistical methods of processing the results of experimental studies;

  • digital radiography;

  • X-ray computer tomography;

  • improve the reliability of the road machines;

  • mathematical modeling of physical interactions.
Awards and distinctions:
  • October 23, 2009 – awarded the distinction of "Parental valor» № 110 (Tomsk Oblast Law № 202-03);

  • September 28, 2012 – awarded the medal "for services to the Tomsk State University of Architecture and Building» II degree.

Sergey Pavlovich Osipov has reviewed 42 papers for the following MDPI journals in the period 2021–2023: Remote Sensing, Sensors, Applied Sciences, Electronics, Metals, Journal of Imaging, Materials, Dentistry Journal, Axioms, Tomography, Heritage, Healthcare, Diagnostics, Sustainability, Photonics, Life, Crystals
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